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-this is all a flashback

You were in middle school. A first year to be exact. Ever since you were in elementary, you've always wanted to become a top volleyball player. The position you play is setter.

Your dad used to play volleyball himself. He was a setter just like you. You and your dad had a close relationship. To the point where you guys were like best buds.

When you heard about your middle school holding a volleyball club, you accepted to try out. Your dad was gonna be there for you. After try outs, you made the team. The coaches had taken look at your technique and thought you would be a great placement for the team.

You've met many girls that you called your own teammates. But then, something happened in your second year of middle school.

While at practice, the coach called you aside. Not knowing what would happen next, you gave everyone a smile and a wave then walked to your coach.

Instead of your coach having that loving smile, their face was more serious and worried. The coach led you outside so no one else could hear the conversation. You were confused and worried, what if you got kicked off the team?

When the coach talked though, your whole world crumbled. They said that your dad is in the hospital due to a car accident. You didn't know how to process anything.

Your coach said to go home early and check out what's happening. You obeyed and your mom picked you up. You and your mom made it to the hospital to see your dad one last time. His breathing was shallow and cuts were all over his face.

His eyes slightly opened to see the woman he loved for his life and their child right besides them. Your dad smiled he then mouthed the words 'I love you'. His heart rate stopped and he didn't move.

Your eyes watered. Your mom was crying telling him to come back but it was no use. The nurses quickly got you guys out of the room. You couldn't say anything. A lump in your throat grew as you tried to keep in your emotions.

After that day... you and your mom mourned over your dad. Things weren't going so easy. Your mom took over his job to provide for you and herself. You had to learn how to take care of yourself. You also had to learn how to cover your emotions, that's exactly what you did.

When you got back to school, many kids asked what happened but your emotions never changed. You would always smile and not show anything else. Your coach noticed this but never said anything.

A few weeks later, a tournament was put up. Still mourning over you father but you kept it to yourself. When playing a game, you set for your teammates. You wanted to do the best for your dad and carry on his legacy.

When your teammates didn't hit the ball, you slowly got mad. You had to keep it to yourself though. As time passed, your sets became more quicker and tougher for your teammates to hit it. After one last set, you tried to set it for your teammate but she missed.

You couldn't hold it in any longer. During the whole game, you yelled at her for not doing her best. You kept going on about how she should do better and how your sets are perfect. The coach had to quickly put you on the bench after that.

That wasn't the only time you've done that though. You've done it many times to the point where your teammates hated you. Your emotions got the better of you.

Due to this, your teammates nicknamed you "the primadonna girl". You hated your nickname but couldn't do anything about it. Many other teams have also heard about your name.

For highschool, everyone on your team went to the same school, except you. You wanted to get away from them. That's when you went to Inarizaki. There, they accepted you for who you are. You rarely got mad at your teammates and if you did, you would always apologize.

Your mom soon found another lover in your third year and started to date him. When dating, he wanted you and your mom to move into his house. His house is located near Aoba Johsai, another highschool. Although you didn't want to move away, you saw how happy your mom was again.

So to make her even more happy, you obeyed and agreed to move.

"Do you have to go?" Atsumu frowned.

"Yes Atsumu, I'll text and call you... I promise" you smiled.

He nodded and waved goodbye as you left to go to your new house.

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