9|| ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ

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Your eyes read the gray tombstone that sat in the field of grass. You set down your dads favorite drink at his grave and walked for school. As you left, you could feel his presences with you.

When you got to class, Oikawa was nowhere to be seen. It's not like you wanted to see him after what happened the day before. You walked to school with the same smile you have everyday.

Weirdly, you saw Iwaizumi by himself. When he made eye contact with you, he called out your name while running up to you. You didn't really want to talk to anyone associated with Oikawa so you walked faster.

"Wait y/n!" He said running in front of you.

"Whats up Iwaizumi." You said fake smiling.

Iwaizumi sighed and looked around. "Have you seen Oikawa anywhere?"

You rolled your eyes and continued walking. "Why would I keep an eye on him. I don't care about him."

Iwaizumi paused then ran in front of you again.

"Hey let me go to-" you were cut off.

"Did something happen between you two?" Iwaizumi asked.

You scoffed and crossed your arms. "Why don't you ask your precious friend. I'm sure he will tell you." You said walking away from the scene.

Iwaizumi watched as you quickly got away from him. "What did you do this time Shittykawa" Iwaizumi thought to himself.
When you walked into class, oddly enough, you saw Oikawa already at his desk with his head down. You rolled your eyes and sat at your desk without a word.

Oikawa slightly moved but not so much. You couldn't care less about him. When the teacher asked him a question, Oikawa would groan or ignore the teacher.

You almost felt bad for the dude but what he said wasn't cool. After class, you walked out so quick. Oikawa felt empty after you left cause you didn't tease him like the days before.
For lunch, Oikawa sat alone outside. When Iwaizumi noticed his friend was nowhere to be seen, he went out searching for him. Iwaizumi found Oikawa sitting alone.

"Hey loser. What's up with y/n, when mentioning your name she got all mad" Iwaizumi said walking up to Oikawa.

"I messed up..." Oikawa frowned looking at the ground.

"Messed up what?" Iwaizumi laughed sitting right next to Oikawa.

Oikawa sniffed and looked at Iwaizumi. "I said some things I shouldn't have"

Iwaizumi's eyes widened at the sight of his sad friend. "Vent... tell me what happened."

Oikawa told Iwaizumi what happened. He also told him other things.

"Damn it. I wish I knew her story. It was a mistake letting her old teammates tell me their side of the story."

Iwaizumi started laughing. Oikawa whined telling him that this wasn't a funny matter.

"No shit... you're fucked, she's gonna hate you" Iwaizumi kept laughing,

"IWA!" Oikawa blushed.

Iwaizumi stopped laughing and looked at Oikawa's face. His eyes looked hurt and his cheeks were red. That's when Iwaizumi came to the realization.
"Wait... don't tell me..."

Oikawa nodded and cupped his face. "That's why I've been so jealous... I like her." Oikawa frowned.

Iwaizumi sighed. "You're still fucked. Just apologize to her. Know her backstory." Iwaizumi then got up and walked away from Oikawa. "I'm counting on you"

As Iwaizumi disappeared in the distance. Oikawa looked at the sky then at the nearby grass. "Apologize..." Oikawa repeated.
After School
You walked to the gym by yourself. Sachi was walking with you. While walking, you two bumped into Oikawa and Iwaizumi. You sighed and kept walking. Sachi followed after you.

"Go Oikawa." Iwaizumi said pushing his friend towards your direction.

Oikawa nodded and walked up to you. "Hey y/n..."

You nodded and walked faster. Oikawa didn't want to give up. "Y/n?..."

You ignored Oikawa and ran to the gym. Sachi glared at Oikawa and followed after her friend. Oikawa bowed his head in shame and failure.

"Tricky ain't she" Iwaizumi smiled. "Come on, don't give up now, go to her after practice" Iwaizumi said dragging Oikawa to the next gym.
During Practice
While the girls were doing their serves, you couldn't get Oikawa out of your mind.

"You're like a primadonna girl!" Oikawa yelled

The flashback haunted you. Who did he contact? Why did he mention your old team? Who is behind all of this.

"Y/n! Stop procrastinating" Anami yelled.

You snapped out of your thoughts and continued onto your serves. The thought of Oikawa yelling at you lingered.
After Practice
You walked out of the gym after finishing your cleaning duties. When walking out, you heard Oikawa call out your name.

"Wait y/n" he said grabbing your wrist.

Your teammates took glances as they walked past you. Sachi just glared at Oikawa and walked away.

"What happened to rival-Chan?" You asked Oikawa.

Oikawa frowned. You sighed. "I'm not forgiving you. Let me go." You said looking at his hand.

Oikawa let you go immediately and you ran away from him. You couldn't talk to him. You didn't want to.

"Wow Oikawa, is that all you got?" Iwaizumi said.

"I'll make her talk to me, even if it takes awhile." Oikawa said.

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