5|| ꜱʜᴇ'ꜱ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴍɪɴᴅ

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"Ugh, look at the way she talks to everyone." Oikawa scoffed. "She's doing to much."

Iwaizumi held in his laugh as Oikawa kept talking about you.

"She's doing to much? She's like you" Iwaizumi laughed.

Oikawa glared at Iwaizumi and huffed. "I'm better than her!"

Suddenly, Oikawa felt a tap on his shoulder. Quickly, he fixed his hair and changed his whole attitude. When he was ready, he turned around to see who tapped him. His expression changed when he saw you.

"You talk to loud. Might wanna keep your mouth shut if your gonna talk about someone." You said looking at him up and down.

Oikawa backed away and messed with his hair. "Stop eavesdropping."

You looked at his friend who looked like he was about to explode with laughter. You then looked back at Oikawa. "You're the setter of the boys volleyball team right?"

Oikawa nodded.

"Ok, I'll be expecting to see you play in a few days. My team and your team are going against each other. See you then" you said waving and walking away from him.

Oikawa's expression turned blank. Was he being underestimated? He didn't really know? He watched as you disappeared in the crowed. He then looked at Iwaizumi who started laughing.

"You two would be great friends!"

"Shut it Iwa-Chan. Shes to feisty for me" Oikawa said walking away.

"Feisty eh?" Iwaizumi mumbled following after him.
Just Before Class
When walking to class, you were greeted by a bunch of people. They complemented you and said nice things. This made your whole mood go up... so did your ego.

You got to your class and went to your desk to sit down. Though as soon as you sat down, you got bored. That feeling of being bored vanished as soon as Oikawa stepping into the room.

"Look what the cat dragged in" you smirked.

"Shut it meanie-Chan." Oikawa spat sitting down.

"Meaning-Chan?" You copied.

"Yes, what was that thing you said earlier? Were you underestimating me?" Oikawa asked you.

"Well no. I've heard about your tactics and plays and how good you are. I wanted to see if it was true. Your personality though... let's say it's easy to push your buttons"

"My buttons?..." Oikawa asked.

You nodded and sighed. "People like you are fun to tease."

Oikawa looked away and mumbled under his breath. "Ok."

For the rest of the class, Oikawa was thinking about his next move on you. He wasn't thinking about flirting with you anymore, that was off his list.

When class was over, you left without a word. He didn't care though, all he wanted to do was practice for the match coming up. You mentioned it earlier and it stuck on his mind.

You didn't care about anything related to Oikawa. Your main focus was your team beating his team. When deep in your thoughts, you were stopped by someone.

"Y/n, get out of your thoughts" Naho laughed.

"Ah Naho, hello" you smiled.

"Looks like your thinking about something important..."

Suddenly, Sachi jumped out of nowhere. "The practice match?"

You laughed and nodded. "You caught me"

Anami was also laughing along with you. You guys talked for a few until you guys split up for classes.
After Class
"Damn. I hate classes" you yawned.

"Same, they bore me. At least we have something fun afterwards" Anami smiled.

The crew walked down the hall to go to the gym. There awaiting will be their paradise.

"After you joined the team, more people have been coming to the gym." Naho said.

"Really? I barley notice" you lied. Deep down you did know.

"Bet! They are there for you." Sachi laughed. "I mean who wouldn't, you got brains and beauty, your athletic too!"

You blushed at Sachi's complement and denied everything.
After getting to the gym and changing, Coach Ko called everyone over to talk.

"Alright ladies, as you guys know, you have a practice match against the boys in a few days. No slacking off, I want you guys to beat them"

The girls laughed then got to their stretches.
Meanwhile At The Boys
"The practice match is in a few days. It will be this gym and against the girls. Go ahead and practice"

The boys quickly got to their warm ups. During them, Oikawa vented on how much he wanted to beat y/n.

"God, her mouth says a lot." Oikawa huffed.

(Is that all her mouth can do?? JK JK)

"God damn you talk about her to much, it's like you got a crush on her or some shit" Iwaizumi yelled.

"I could never crush on her. No way. I just wanna beat her and her team so she can shut that smart mouth of hers"

The boys continued to warm up as Oikawa kept talking about you. The boys were slowly getting annoyed but couldn't tell their precious captain.

"She's always on your mind" Iwaizumi laughed.

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