19|| Prelims Opening

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"Ladies and Gentlemen... welcome to the spring prelims of volleyball... we are here with a total of 15 teams. Who will be the final one to get that spot to nationals"

The sound of the announcer talking put goosebumps on your arms. You were nervous. All this hard work got you here... but you couldn't stop.

A Day Before
"What if I fuck it up Kawa." You sighed laying in the grass.

"So what. You move on. Plus... a player like you would never fuck anything up. That simply isn't like you" Oikawa smiled.

You looked at him. His eyes softer as ever.

"Thank you Kawa."

Present Day
You wore your volleyball uniform. You had your hair tied up and ready for action. The bus ride to the big gym was super fun. The girls were super energetic and encouraging.

Your coaches told you guys that the boys games would be before the girls. Meaning you could watch Oikawa play his games. You and your team found a spot and watched the boys warm up.
"Oi Shittykawa. Look who's watching us" Iwaizumi said.

Oikawa turned his head towards the crowd and immediately spotted you. His eyes went wide and his cheeks slightly turned into a tint of red.

He waved at you and threw up a piece sign. His face was as happy as ever. You smiled back and waved.

"Ooh y/n... look at you and your boyfriend" saichi teased.

"Shut up Saichi" you spat blushing.
As time passed, the boys started playing. Sadly, you and your team couldn't stay long because you guys had to leave for your games.

A total of 3 games would be played today. Then 2 tomorrow to determine the results for the Prefecture.

"Alright girls... let's do what we normally do" you smirked.

"Right!" They all they running on the court.

You watched as they all looked so happy and confident. You felt happy and confident as well.
The first game went by like a breeze. You didn't really take it seriously because you didn't want to waste your energy. As you played, you felt free. You controlled whatever was happening on the court.

"Nice set y/n!" Coach Ko yelled.

You gave her a big smile with a piece sign, then returned back to your game. While standing next to the net, some girl from the other team whispered about you.

"Isn't she that girl nicknamed 'primadonna'" she said to her teammate.

"Oh yeah huh. She looks like nothing what the rumors said"

"Hm weird, maybe she's covering it up"

Those comments made you feel bad about yourself. You watched as they kept whispering. Suddenly, you snapped at them.

"Pay attention to the game will ya. Look! While I'm talking to you, the ball will be set and spiked... making us win the whole game!" You smirked while setting the ball.

The girls immediately froze as one of your teammates spiked it to their side. The ball hit the ground with a loud boom and bounced away. You guys contained your happiness cause you had 2 more games left.
Game two was slightly harder but not as much as a challenge. They put up a equal fight but it all fell apart when your team was up in points. They lost all of their confidence.

"Phew. Those games were done in a flash" Oikawa sighed.

"Yeah. Easy. Look who's playing right now... it's y/n and her team" Iwaizumi said pointing at a volleyball court.

"Say it is. Looks like they just finished too" Oikawa said walking towards the court.

"Wait Oikawa, let's give them space" Iwaizumi said walking away. "You don't wanna bother her don't you"

"Right." Oikawa said following after Iwa.
Game three came up and the boys were watching you and your team play cause their games finished. So far you and your team won all 2 games, now this one, you knew you were gonna win.

"Y/n-Chan!! Do good out there!" Oikawa yelled.

You turned your head to see Oikawa cheering for you. You gave him a wink and blew him a kiss before turning away.

"She... winked!" Oikawa blushed.

"Awhh is shittykawa flustered?" Iwaizumi teased.

"Yes" Oikawa blurted out.
The game started and you were starting up along with your other teammates. The game started with the other team serving. Their serves were hard but receivable.

As time passed, you and your team had kinda a rough time due to you all being tired.

"Damn it. We lost the first set" Naho cursed.

"We can't give up. We have 2 more sets. Let's do this" you smiled running on the court again.

More time went by and the game was close then not close. Your team was in the lead. One more point until you have won the second set.

"Sachi!" You yelled setting her the ball.

"Got chu " she said back spiking it.

The ball hit the ground with a loud boom, concluding the 2nd set a win for the Aoba Josai's girls teams.

Set 3 was up. You and your team was tired and it was obvious. The game felt slow to you. You watched as the regular thing happened all over again... so... you decided to change it up a little.

The ball was served and your libero received it. The ball went towards you. Now instead of the lame set. You decided to dump the ball. The team was already struggling so you thought it was a perfect time to shake them up.

You jumped up into the air and touched the ball with your hand. You then dumped the ball to the other side of the net.

The gym went quiet... until you landed on the court and sighed. The gym went crazy.

"WOAHHHH!" Your teammates yelled.

"What can I say~" you winked.

"Sneaky bitchhh" Sachi said hitting your head.
"Dang. Y/n is nasty" Oikawa said watching you smirk.

"That was pretty rough for the other team... her smirk made it even better" Iwaizumi said observing the other teams actions.
The game finished with your team winning your 3rd set. The final game of today. You and your teammates were super happy. After a few moment s of celebrating, you faced Oikawa and gave him the biggest smile.

He blushed and smiled back cheering for you. You knew, there is no absolute way you could fuck this up.

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