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The next day seemed like a breeze. When walking to your classes, the girls you met the day before wanted to become your friend. You let them and all you 4 became very close. Not only that, you've been gaining quite the attention the more you let your emotions escape.

"She has a nice smile"

"Her hair is beautiful"

Complements coming from left and right showered you. It seemed like everyone was starting to like you. When walking to lunch with your new friends, you accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ah, sorry!" You said backing away and gaining your vision.

"It's alright, happens to everyone at least once" he smiled. "Are you ok?"

Your vision gained back and saw who you bumped into. It was the Oikawa boy you sat next to in first period. Your eyes widened as you answered the question. "Yeah. I'll see you around" you said walking away from him.

Oikawa watched as you walked away kinda quickly. Had he scared the girl? His thoughts were coming at him like a train until Iwaizumi called out his name.

"Seems like the new girl bumped into you" he smirked.

"Yeah, at least she apologized, she also didn't fangirls over me" Oikawa frowned.

"Shut up you self centered piece of shit. Let's go to lunch" Iwaizumi said walking away from his confused friend.

Oikawa heard about you gaining popularity. He didn't really care though. All he cares about is his fangirls and volleyball. Oikawa brushed off his thoughts and followed after Iwaizumi.

You were already sitting at a table with Anami, Naho, and Sachi. You embarrassedly ate your food as Anami teased you about bumping into Oikawa.

"You looked so surprised, you're lucky his fangirls weren't near" Naho sweatdropped.

"Fangirls?... oh those squealing pigs!" You said a little to loud.

Sachi, Anami, and Naho started laughing as you blushed a little due to being embarrassed. People around your guys table stared at you. Iwaizumi overheard you talking with the volleyball girls about Oikawa's fangirls.

"Wow, she called your fangirls squealing pigs, she seems cool"

"Awh Iwa-Chan. That's mean, she's probably a pig herself" Oikawa said.

Iwaizumi glared at Oikawa and hit him in the nape. "That's not how you talk about a girl idiot"

When lunch was over, everyone got up to go to their final classes. You walked with your friends talking about random stuff.
After Class
As soon as class was over, you ran over to your friends and walked with them to the volleyball gym. When walking, you and your friends passed by Oikawa and another dude.

"Hey loser" Anami laughed.

"Nami-Chan! That's mean!" Oikawa whined. You and him made eye contact until you looked away. Anami put her middle finger in the air when walking away. You laughed with her as she made weird faces at Oikawa.

"You two seem close" you said finishing up your laugh.

Anami sighed. "Yeah, we are like siblings, we both are the captains for the team, that's how we became close friends"

The girls got to the volleyball gym and opened the doors. In the gym, there was already a few girls.

"Coach!" Sachi yelled.

Their coach looked at your friends, then at you. The coaches eyes widened as she hurried over to you. Your friends quickly made their way to the locker room to change.

"You must be L/N F/N!! Only here to watch the practice right?" The coach asked.

"Yes yes, you can call me y/n, you are?..."

"I'm coach Kohana, ko for short. I'm the main coach of this team! The other coach is over there" Coach Ko pointed. She pointed at another woman. She had brown flowing hair. Coach Ko told me that her name was Izumi.

Coach Ko told me that you could observe the practice up at the bleachers. You thanked her then made your way to sit at the chairs. As you did, some other people walked in to watch. Some were boys and others were girls.

Some of them glanced over at you then looked back at the court. When the practice started, you watched as the girls warmed up and stretched out their bodies. They then got ready for diving drills.

Coach Ko would toss the ball to her self and spike it to where Anami and her teammates would try to dive for it. Some girls missed but it was never without an effort. They all dived for it perfectly. Some even did a good recieve.

As you kept watching, the urge of you going on the court and just playing again came in you. You wanted to get up off your seat and run onto the court to your friends. Though, you had to stay put.
After about 45 minutes later, you got up ready to leave. When leaving, you let the side coach know so that she could tell Coach Ko. As you walked out, you looked around to hear more balls being hit from the other gym.

"Hm, boys volleyball" you said to yourself.

You then looked away and continued walking towards your dorm. When you got there, you got out your homework and got to work.
A Few Hours Later
After doing your homework and giving yourself a little break, you went online again to see if you got any emails just in case. You didn't really expect anything but there you were, looking at an email from Coach Ko.

You clicked on it and read what it said:

"Hey y/n, sorry I couldn't talk to you before you left. After watching my team practice, I want you to make a decision, will you join the team or no. My team is in need of another setter and after seeing many tapes of you playing, you will be a great fit.

Btw, anything from the past, stays in the past. This is a new you. If you wanna join the team, come to practice tomorrow and I'll get your uniform and stuff. Goodnight"

You sighed and clicked out of the email. You've almost cried due to your emotions taking over. Deep down, you knew exactly what your answer was gonna be. Yet, you don't want to make a to quick of an answer.

For help, you called up Atsumu to relieve some extra stress you got.

"Hey y/n" Atsumu said over the phone.

"Atsumu, I went to their practice and I love it! I might join, but... I don't wanna be to quick on my decision, should I join?" You asked him.

There was a long pause from Atsumu. You even called his name out a few times to make sure he was still there.

"Join. Join the team" he said.

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