16|| ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ

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After telling the girls what happened at the date, they stayed quiet. That was until Sachi started laughing, then it went to Anami and lastly Naho.

"What's so funny about this" you blushed.

"N-nothing it's just... you don't know what you're feeling don't you" Anami smiled

"Is something wrong with me...?" You said touching your face.

The girls started laughing again calling you a comedian.

"Oh y/n... you're in love!" Sachi laughed.

Right there, you stayed silent. You've been attracting many boys but never crushed on any of them. That was until Oikawa came in your life.

"NO! NOT HIM!" You yelled getting up from sitting.

Naho stood up and walked up to you. "Admit it. You love him don't you"

"no I don't" you stubbornly said walking to the other side of the court cleaning up your ball mess. "Not him."

"I mean, you two did go on a date..." Sachi said nudging your arm.

You sighed and put away the volleyballs. You then walked out of the gym.

"Wait up y/n!! We will give you some advice!!" Sachi said grabbing your arm.

"Advice...? For what?" You asked.

"To win Oikawa's heart." Anami smirked.

You sweatdropped and sighed. You knew this wasn't. A great idea.

Tactic One: Notice your feelings
It was after school. You and the girls decided to go to the same place to talk it out.

"Alright miss y/n, when I say the name 'Oikawa' what do you think of." Anami said.

At first you thought of a soft breeze. You then thought about his soft lips. The lips he used to kiss you.

"Lips." You blurted out.

"Lips?" Sachi laughed.

You covered your mouth and turned away embarrassed.

"Right... anything else...?" Anami asked.

"A soft breeze... a breeze that cools you down on a hot summer day." You said looking at the ground.

"Noted." Naho said out loud.

"Alright. When you look at Oikawa, how do you feel emotionally?" Anami asked.

You sighed. "When I look at him, he makes me feel irritated... but in a good way."

"Go on..." Naho said.

"He makes me wanna kill him but at the same time, he makes me feel like I wanna cuddle with him and shit"

Naho giggled and slammed her hands on the table. "You're definitely in love y/n. A bad case of it too"

The girls all "ooo'd" as you denied your feelings. You knew deep down though, you had a tiny crush on him.
"I don't know Iwa... her face... it's so soothing" Oikawa said.

"Damn it shittykawa. You sound corny. No wonder y/n avoided you." Iwaizumi said.

"WHAT!" Oikawa said fake crying.

"Anami told me that she just needs time alone. She will talk to you when she's ready"

"I sure hope so" Oikawa said laying his head down.
Tactic Two: Grabbing His Attention
"Ok y/n, you gotta be exotic. Like a person who stands out from the crowd in a good way" Sachi said.

"Got it. Stand out... WAIT I NEVER AGREED TO THIS! STOP THIS ALL!" You yelled.

"Y/n? Anything wrong?" Anami asked.

"Actually yes! I'm so confused on my feelings. He says that stupid sentence, it feels like a cliff hanger!" You sighed sitting down.

"Hmm maybe he actually does like you back!" Naho smiled trying to cheer you up.

"Even if he does, it won't work out. We both have goals in our life. We can't let some stupid crush get in the way." You spat.

The girls frowned as you stood up and looked at them.

"The word called love... isn't the right word for me. It's just some stupid crush that can be gone in an instant. Anyways, I'm leaving to go home, I'll see you guys tomorrow." You said walking out on your friends.

After a long pause of silence, the girls sighed.

"Dang it... Shes so tough when it comes to her feelings." Sachi said.

"She opened up for a second then closed it off to us. Is it because of what happened with her old old team?" Naho asked.

"I don't know but we need to find out about it... we are doing this for her" Anami said.

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