10|| ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴ ʙᴇ ꜰɪxᴇᴅ

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Oikawa woke up, determined he was gonna talk to you. He did his hair, got on his uniform, and ran out of the door of his house. When walking to school, he caught up with Iwaizumi.

"Iwa, today is the day Imma make her talk to me!" Oikawa cheered.

"Oh no you're not" someone said hitting Oikawa in the head.

"OW IWA!" Oikawa whined.

"That wasn't him... hey!" Anami said jumping out of nowhere.

"Oh, nami-Chan!" Oikawa smiled. "What do you want?"

Anami sighed. "You messed up bruh. Shes pissed at you."

"Oh so she told you what happened...?" Oikawa crossed his arms.

"You didn't have to touch her or something. She said you slammed her against the wall"

(Cannon Oikawa would never do that but for this story he would)


Anami sighed again. "You need to know her backstory... her side of the story. Not her old teammates."

Oikawa felt like shit. He knew what he did was wrong. He really felt sorry.

"Go apologize to her." Anami said walking away.

Iwaizumi smirked. "Couldnt have said it any better". He then walked away.

Oikawa watched as his friends left him in the dust. Sadly, he walked to class without acknowledging his fangirls. When he got into class, he already saw you. Your head was down and you barley moved.

Oikawa walked to his desk and sat down glancing at you. When the teacher called role, she called out your name. When you didn't answer the teacher moved on until Oikawa said something.

"Actually teacher, she's here" Oikawa said.

The teacher nodded and wrote you as present. You slightly moved to look at Oikawa. His face looked stern but soft at the same time. He looked at you and you immediately covered your face.

"Y/n... are you okay?" He asked you.

"Save it Oikawa, you want me to forgive you so bad..." you said moving to face away from him.

Oikawa frowned then faced the front of the class.
When class was done, you immediately left. Oikawa didn't even get a glimpse of your face.
Lunch came around and Oikawa sat in his seat along with Iwa, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa.

"Y/n looks happy" Iwaizumi pointed out.

Oikawa looked at you and nodded. "She wasn't happy earlier... she was more mad."

"Wonder why" Hanamaki said.

"Oikawa, why do you want to talk to her so bad...? Is it cause of your reputation?" Matsukawa said.

Just as Oikawa was about to answer, Iwa did for him. "It's cause he likes her"

"IWA-CHAN!" Oikawa yelled a little to loud.

Everyone stared as Oikawa waved and covered his face.

"Damn they are loud" Anami said.

You nodded and continued eating.
After School
Oikawa didn't care if you would hate him. He just wanted to talk to you, even if it ruins his reputation at this point. He tried to find you. He ran down the halls and searched far.

When he turned the corner, he bumped into someone smaller than him. Before the girl could fall, Oikawa quickly grabbed her arm.

"Ah sorry!" Oikawa said looking at the girl he bumped into. When he saw who it was, he immediately let go. "Y/n..."

"Oikawa... what a surprise" you said sarcastically.

"Y/n, let me talk to you please" Oikawa frowned.

"Are you gonna push me to a wall again?" You said looking at him.

When Oikawa looked at your face, he saw tear streaks on your cheek along with your eyes being red.

"Y/n please... I'm sorry about what happened, I was just jealous of you and stuff and My emotions got the best of me"

You stopped breathing for a second. You saw how serious Oikawa was. He genuinely felt sorry.

"Saturday. 2:30. At the bubble tea cafe. Don't be late" you said walking away.

Oikawa watched as your disappeared. His face filled with confusion. A feeling that would last for a bit.
"Yeah and she wanted to meet up with me... should I go?" Oikawa asked Iwaizumi.

"Of course bro. It won't be like your typical date, actually it isn't a date at all. You guys need to talk it out.

Oikawa nodded and looked at the sky. "I wonder if she's gonna forgive me." Oikawa frowned.

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