3|| ɴᴇᴡᴇꜱᴛ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

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"Have you decided yet?" Naho asked you.

You looked at her, then at the sky. "The future can only tell"

Naho's eyes sparkled as you looked back at her with a smile. She smiled back and you guys continued to walk to your first period. You and Naho had to split up due to being in different classes. When you walked to your seat, Oikawa was already at his.

"Waiting for someone?" You asked sitting at your seat.

"Not you." He answered back smirking.

"Wasn't hoping on it" you rolled your eyes and got out a random book you had and read it.

Oikawa watched as you flipped through pages. Your eyes glued to that book. It seems like he stared at you for to long because you called him out.

"Stop staring at me."

"I wasn't staring at you" Oikawa said turning the other way.

You looked up from your book and stared at the front of the classroom. "That doesn't explain the blush on your face"

Oikawa covered his face and faced you. "How'd you know?"

"I observe people" you said looking at him smiling.

Oikawa was about to say something but the teacher started talking. He watched as you put your book away and had your full attention on the teacher.
Oikawa gulped and turned away from you.

When class ended, you got up from your seat ready to leave. Oikawa being as slow as he is, you had a chance to say your final words to him.

"You seem cool, I won't mind if we talk more in the future" you said walking away.

Oikawa finished getting up and watched as you confidently walked away. Your hair bouncing with every step you took.

"That girl..." Oikawa mumbled.
After School
School was starting to bore you. The only thing you were excited about was going to the gym and telling Coach Ko that you wanted to join. Though, you were falling behind. Time was ticking till practice started.

Your friends already left to go. Their faces had a frown like they 'knew' you wouldn't come. You quickly got your bag and sped walked down the hall.
When nobody was near, you started to run.

Nobody was in your way so it was pretty easy to avoid any contact. As you got closer to the gym, your heart rate increased. You knew this was the right choice. As you ran, everything around you became slow.

When the doors of the gym were right in front of you, you quickly opened the doors to see the coach waiting right in front of you.

"I knew you would come... let me get your stuff" she smiled walking away.

Still trying to catch your breath, you followed after Coach Ko with huffs. The other girls were in the locker rooms changing so you were good. Coach Ko grabbed your uniform for the team and told you to change.
"Welcome to the team y/n!!" Anami said bowing.

The rest of the girls followed after her. You smiled and thanked them. The girls then stated their names and Positions.

There were a total of 4 third years, 5 second years, and 3 first years. Some were shy, others were outgoing. The coaches, Ko and Izumi got out the cart of balls. They then went to the other side of the court.

"I'm thinking about planning a practice match against the boys... this practice will make my final decision to see if I will plan it or not next week"

She then proceeded to tell everyone to do the diving drills. You knew exactly what they were during due to seeing them do the same drill the day before. You didn't go first but you were somewhat up there.

When you were up, Naho, Sachi, and Anami were cheering. When you dived for the ball and got it, the girls watched as the ball perfectly went before the net.

You got praised for your amazing dive then continued to jog to the back of the line.

Coach Ko smiled. "I knew she would be a great fit."
The Boys Practice
"Ugh, that new girl is weird" Oikawa sighed drinking his water.

Iwaizumi chuckled. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! She said she's an observer and stuff. It's like she's seen through me!"

Iwaizumi put down his water bottle then faced Oikawa. "Why do you keep talking about her? Is she gaining more popularity than you?"

"What! Never." Oikawa said putting his water bottle down and walking away.

Iwaizumi secretly knew his friend was jealous of the new girl. Ever since Oikawa glanced at her, he couldn't stop talking about her. He would comment on everything, from bad to good.

Iwaizumi knew something was up with him. He didn't want to do anything though so he ignored those thoughts and continued to focus on practice.

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