8|| ᴘʀɪᴍᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ ɢɪʀʟ!

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It was the next day... Oikawa walked to school with Iwaizumi by his side. While walking, Oikawa caught a glimpse of you talking to HIS fangirls.

"Damn it. There she goes again... stealing MY girls." Oikawa said crossing his arms.

Iwaizumi tilted his head and looked at you. You looked up from the girls and gave Iwaizumi a wave.

"I don't see the problem..." Iwaizumi said looking back at Oikawa.

"The problem is that she's becoming more better than me."

"Just ignore her if she annoys you that much" Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

Oikawa huffed and continued his way to class.
You walked into class with some boxes of pockys. You walked to your desk with a big grin. You knew damn well Oikawa was jealous. You could tell by his scrunched up face.

As you opened up one box of pockys, Oikawa watched, his mouth watering. You smirked as you got one out and ate it. You ate it as slow as you could.

"Just eat it normally rival-Chan." Oikawa said looking away.

You ate the pocky and got another one out. "Want one?" You smiled.

Oikawa looked at you and huffed. "Yes but not from you."

You smirked and stuck the pocky in his mouth. Your faces were close to each other. "Salty aren't ya... have you ever played the pocky game?" You asked him with a smirk.

Oikawa took the pocky out of his mouth and threw it to the ground. When the pocky hit the ground, you got mad.
"What was that for?" You asked him.

"Stop flirting with me rival-Chan." Oikawa looked away.

You swore you saw a slight blush on his cheeks. You sighed and put away your boxes of pockys. Oikawa watched as your eyes dropped and your expression grew low.

Oikawa suddenly felt bad but his ego got the best of him. He didn't apologize to you... it's not like you expected him to anyways.
After Class
First period was over and everyone got up to leave. When packing your stuff, Oikawa kept staring at your box of pockys. Because what happened before, you ignored his tactics and left the room without a word.

When walking down the hall, you ran into the guy who got your number the day before.

"Heyyy" you smiled. "Whats up?"

He smiled back. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school today..." he asked.

Suddenly, another person pushed him out of the way. "No way! I was gonna ask her first"

More people came in and fought over you. You felt kinda pleased but you didn't want to get in trouble so you sighed and walked away. "There's enough of me to go around." You winked.

Oikawa watched from a distance, the jealousy inside him grew. He didn't exactly know why he was jealous though. He scoffed and walked to his next class, 'unbothered' by you.
Oikawa's anger grew the worse during lunch. He watched as you gained more and more attention. He was never usually like this but something about you lit a fire in him.

"Ooh... y/n is looking extra cute today" matsukawa smirked.

Oikawa looked away from you and glared at Matsukawa. Hanamaki only made it worse by whistling.

"Sure does"

Oikawa tried to keep his thoughts to himself but he blurted them out. "Ugh whats so good about her. She's an attention whore"

Everyone around Oikawa stared at him with disgusted. Oikawa covered his mouth and hid his face.

"Wow Oikawa... that's mean of you" you smirked walking up to him.

"Rival-Chan. Why are you over here." Oikawa said looking up at you.

"Well my name was in your mouth so naturally I came?? You boys want a pocky?" You asked the boys smiling.

Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki nodded but Oikawa gave them a dark glare. That made the boys change their minds.

"I see..." you frowned putting away your stash of pockys. "Anyways, people are waiting for me so I got to go... talk to you boys later!!" You winked walking away.

Oikawa sighed as he watched you walk away. His thoughts were overtaking him... they were drowning him.
After Practice
School and Practice went by like a breeze. It wasn't quick but not slow. After you cleaned up the gym and got ready to leave, you sighed as you saw the boys volleyball team outside.

Your teammates were already gone. You decided to stay back for some extra practice. You shut off the gym lights and closed the gym doors. Outside was cold but not to cold.

When you started walking, you were stopped by Oikawa. Without a word, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side where nobody was.

"What's your deal Oikawa." You spat.

Oikawa let go of your hand and fixed his hair. His smile turned into a grin. "Whats up with that mouth of yours."

"You're wasting my time. Politely move." You said back trying to walk away.

Though, Oikawa grabbed your hand and smashed your back against a wall.

"Ow bitch... what the fuck" you groaned.

Oikawa's eyes had a tint of black in them. The aura around him grew dark. "Whats up with your popularity. You're stealing my fangirls y'know."

You pushed him away and dusted yourself off. You then smirked. "What's wrong with that? Are you jealous?"

Oikawa's eyes widened. He looked down then back at you. "Damn right I am. Everything was perfect before you came here."

You laughed at his actions until he said something else.

"No wonder your old team hated you." Oikawa spat.

"Excuse me." You said with anger filling up.

"You heard me. You're so self centered and crappy, get a new personality. You're not even that pretty and you got people fawning over you. You're stealing my spotlight!" Oikawa yelled.

Oikawa smirked as he leaned over to your ear.
"You're just like a primadonna girl."

Those words broke you. He backed away with a smirk and turned around. While he was satisfied with what he said, you stood there, your eyes filling up with tears.

"You have a shitty personality Oikawa." You spat. Your voice obviously had cracks in them.

Oikawa quickly turned around to see you crying. Your hands clenched as your stood there.

"Stay away from me." You said pushing him away from you. As he fell back, you ran away to home. Oikawa watched as you disappeared. His emotions filled with guilt.

"I messed up." He said.

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