17|| ᴏɴᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇ

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"Be ready y/n. We are."

You were nervous. Scared and nervous to mess up. Your legs were sore. Hands and arms were stinging in pain. You couldn't let your guard down, even if it killed you.
Next Day At School
You walked to your first class avoiding anyone at any cost, even if they were your friends. You sat at your desk wondering about your old team.

"Hey y/n-Chan. Anami told me what happened yesterday... are you okay?" Oikawa asked you sitting at his desk.

You slowly turned you head to look at him. Your eyes were red from not sleeping.

"Perfectly... fine" you said smiling.

"You don't look fine y/n." Oikawa said getting closer to you.

You pushed him away with a sweatdrop. "Distance young man. I need it"

"Sorry" Oikawa laughed turning towards the front of
the classroom.

"Shes acting weird again" Oikawa frowned.

"Damn it. After that outburst she had, she's been weird... no. Ever since you told her that dumb sentence!" Anami yelled grabbing Oikawa's ear and pulling it.

"I didn't know it would affect her this bad!" Oikawa whined. "I just wanted her to know my feelings"

"So you told her 'think of it how you want to think of it as'?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Yes." Oikawa frowned. "I did say that..."

"Damn it Shittykawa... go apologize to her and tell her your feelings. She's probably wondering about her own feelings." Anami said facepalming herself.

"Yes ma'am!" Oikawa said jumping out of his seat and running towards the gym.
Meanwhile, you were already practicing. Your hands stung from hitting the ball to much. Your legs were gonna give out any second. Suddenly, you heard the gym door slam open.

"Y/n I'm so sorry! I didn't think whatever I said at the date would make you act this way! The truth is that I have been crus- y/n?" Oikawa said looking at how horrified you were.

"K-Kawa?" You stuttered backing away. "What the hell was that for idiot!" You yelled.

"Y/n you should take a break. Now." Oikawa said walking up to you.

"No way. Also... what did you say?" You asked him.

Oikawa stopped walking and spoke. "Said what?"

"What you were gonna say before I cut you off" you said back.

"I was gonna say... uhh..."

You sighed and walked to the other side of the court. The volleyball in your hand. "You're fucking up my feelings bro." You said.

Before Oikawa was gonna say anything, you stopped him.

"Tell me the truth before I serve this ball to your face" you spat.

"Y/n... I like you." Oikawa said sitting down.

You sighed and dropped the ball, you then walked towards Oikawa and sat next to him.

"Forget those feelings Kawa. You have a dream don't you? Isn't it to go to nationals?" You asked him.

Oikawa nodded and waited for you to speak more.

"I have a dream as well... it's to beat Mei. We both have dreams we want to achieve. We can't have silly crushes in the middle of it... you get what I'm saying?" You asked him.

He nodded frowning. "I can make time for you though y/n..."

You laughed a bit then touched his cheek. He immediately looked at you. His brown eyes looked so sweet and soft.

"Do it for us Kawa... achieve our dreams" you smiled getting up.

"Right." Oikawa said getting up as well. "Just for us"

You laughed and looked at the gym net. "Promise me this though... we won't give up no matter what happens..." you said getting out your fist for him to fist bump.

Oikawa was surprised at first but then he understood. "I promise" Oikawa smiled fist bumping you.
After School
"He confessed??!" Sachi yelled.

"Yes." You said

"And you rejected it?" Naho asked.

"Not really... but we did make a promise." You smiled closing your eyes.

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