15|| ᴀᴠᴏɪᴅɪɴɢ ʜɪᴍ

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It was the next day. You tried to act like the same person you were before yet, you felt... different.

"Y/n-senpai!" Someone called out.

You turned around to see a boy in your class. In his hand he held a box of chocolates.

"Here, have these!" The boys said smiling.

"Thank... you" you smiled back getting the chocolates.

"Y/n-senpai... is everything alright? You look pale"

"Yup! Totally fine, I gotta run to class" you sweatdropped running away as fast as you could.

The boy watched in confusion as you disappeared in the distance.
You laid your head down on your desk. You couldn't stop thinking about him. Out of all people, you liked Oikawa! Actually, you don't know if you like him... maybe there's some hope.

"Hey rival-Chan" Oikawa smiled tapping your head.

"Kawa!" You said quickly looking at him. "Heyyy"

Oikawa tilted his head and looked into your eyes. "Eye bags... did you sleep last night? Is anything wrong?"

"No! I mean yes!" You obviously said. After saying that, you covered your mouth and sighed.

Just when Oikawa was gonna ask you another question, the teacher came into the class and spoke.
After Class
When class was done, you quickly packed your bags and left the class without a word. Oikawa tried to get your attention but failed miserably. Oikawa's mood dropped thinking he did something wrong to you.

"She keeps avoiding me Iwa!" Oikawa whined. "Was the date that bad?"

"No... Y/n isn't like that..." Iwaizumi said looking at the ceiling. "Maybe just give her spa- oikawa?" Iwaizumi asked. Yet, he was talking to himself.

Oikawa was searching for you. While that was happening, you were just walking normally to class until you head your name being called out.

"Y/n-chann!!" He yelled running towards you.

Your eyes widened as he stood in front of your panting like he just ran a mile. He then looked at you with determined eyes.

"Why... do you keep avoiding me... did I do anything wrong?" He asked you.

You stood there for a second then started laughing.
"No no, you did nothing wrong it's just..." suddenly, the flashback of him kissing you came in your mind. That made your face red. Really red.

"Y/n? Are you okay? You're really red." Oikawa said touching your cheek.

"Stop!" You said slapping his hand away.

After a moment of silence, Oikawa spoke.

"Y/n-Chan? This isn't like you..." Oikawa said rubbing his hand.

You watched as he looked at his hand. He rubbed it like it was in pain a little. You do slap hard.

"Kawa... I'm sorry" you said running away.

"Y/n wait!" Oikawa yelled.

Yet, you ran away faster, losing him.

"Damn it. I'm running away like a little bitch. I am a little bitch. What's happening to me!" Your thoughts screamed out.

You shook the thoughts out of your head then went to class. You knew something was wrong with you... you just didn't know what caused it.
Lunch Time
It wasn't new that you were at the gym during lunch. It was new to your schedule but your teammates soon caught on.
"She hit my hand away!" Oikawa said showing Anami and Iwaizumi.

"Dang, she hit it hard... good for her" Anami laughed.

"Not funny, she's not acting normal. Can you please talk to her, Naho and Sachi can too" Oikawa said.

"I'll see what I can do" Anami said stretching her arms out. "See you shittykawa, Iwaizumi" she said walking away.

Oikawa sighed and laid his head on the lunch table. His mind was filled with you and it hurt every time you would avoid him.

"I did something wrong Iwa" Oikawa frowned.

"Tell me how the date went then." Iwaizumi sighed sitting down.

Oikawa proceeded to tell his friend how the date went. Including the kissing part and the basically confessing part.

"You dumbass. You told her that you liked her then when she asked about it you told her to 'think of whatever you want to think of it' oh my god" Iwaizumi sighed.

"Was it that bad?" Oikawa asked.

"Well you left you confused and now she's probably trying to think about what you said. It's better to let her friends handle this one."

Oikawa frowned then smiled. "You're good at this stuff... any experience?"

Iwaizumi quickly looked away which gave Oikawa a smirk.

"Is it Anami~"

Iwaizumi eyes widened when he heard the name 'Anami' come out of Oikawa's mouth. Quickly, he hit Oikawa and looked away saying a simple 'no'.
You got out a volleyball and set it in the air. Repeating this until your wrist hurt.

"Y/n!" Anami yelled opening the gym doors.

"Anami... Sachi and Naho... whats up" you smiled.

Anami sighed and walked up to you. With one swipe, she grabbed the volleyball out of your hand.

"We need to talk" she said.

You gulped and nodded. Now all 4 of you guys were sitting on the ground, listening to what each person has to say.

"Why were you avoiding Oikawa? He seems hurt y'know" Anami said.

"Kawa...?" You said trying not to think about what happened.

"You've been acting... different after that date" Naho said.

"Did anything happen?" Sachi asked.

You sighed and laid down on the gym floor. You closed your eyes thinking about how he kissed you and told you that confusing sentence. After a long pause of silence, you spoke.

"Yes... a lot happened..."

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