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After setting up your new dorm and getting your school uniform, you were finally ready. Thankfully you had no dorm mates cause that would be a disaster. It was the day before you had to attend school. You haven't really met anyone yet. The only thing you had to hope for was that nobody knew about your nickname.
The Next Day
You were already ready for your first school day. You were super nervous but excited. You had your uniform on, cleaner than ever. You also put on some mascara then walked to your first period.

While walking, you seen a lot of people. They all didn't notice that a new girl was walking around, though you didn't really care. As you continued walking, you walked passed a dude with brown flowing hair and brown eyes.

You two made eye contact until you looked away and walked faster. Oikawa watched as you walked away from him. When he was about to get your attention back, his fan girls came to give him treats and shit.

You didn't turn around once but you heard a bunch of girls squealing. Just like how Atsumu explains, his fangirls are squealing pigs. You ignored the annoying girls and kept walking.

When you step foot into the school, the counselor came out and greeted you with a big smile. You smiled back and greeted her.

"I'll be showing you where your first period class is, follow me" she then started walking away.

You quickly walked besides her while observing everything around you. You walked past many people that whispered about you. Soon enough the counselor brought you to a class where the teacher was waiting for you.

"Ah hello L/N"

"Hi, you can call me y/n, I don't mind" you smiled.

The teacher laughed and nodded. The counselor took her leave while the teacher told you to wait outside. Students walked passed you left and right. You even saw the guy from earlier that you made eye contact with.

It seems like you two have the same first period class cause he walked in the room you were waiting in front of. When the students were gone, the teacher told you to walk in. As you walked in, you made sure that your hair was flowing and beautiful. You didn't make eye contact with anyone until you stood right by your teacher.

"Hello, I'm L/N F/N, but call me y/n" you said.

The students nodded while admiring your face. The teacher asked if anyone had questions and a few people raised their hands.

Oikawa admired your presence. He loved how confident you looked and how your hair flowed. After long minutes of staring at you, you walked towards him. Oikawa being nervous he quickly looked away.

You sat in the desk next to him and looked forward ready to learn. Oikawa looked towards you slowly and saw how calm your face was. The aura around you seemed friendly. When he was about to say something, you got called to answer a question.

He decided not to say anything until you got used to the school. He didn't want to scare the new girl with his horrible flirting tactics.
After School
After a long day of school, you walked back to your dorm without bothering anyone. While walking, you came across 3 girls, the same year as you.

"Hey! You're that new girl right?" One of them asked.

You nodded waiting to hear what's wrong.

"Nice, I'm Anami, these are my friends Naho and Sachi" Anami pointed.

"Hello, I'm y/n, anything wrong?"

"No no not at all, you see... we play for the girls volleyball team and my coach has heard about you and your talent, we aren't asking you to join but we do want you to see how our team is like and if you would like to take it to consideration" Anami smiled.

At first, you were surprised that some other coach knew about you. Your eyes were wide and you didn't know what to say. Though, you couldn't just stand there.

"Oh um, sure... got any time and day I should see it?" You asked.

"Tomorrow, right after school, the gym has bleachers where you can sit"

You nodded. "Alright, I'll be there, thanks for talking to me"

The girls took their leave. Anami smiled and waved as they left. When they were fully gone, you sighed and walked back to your dorm.

As soon as you got in your dorm and close your door,  you ran to your room and flopped on your bed. You laid there for a few then got your phone to call Atsumu.

Ever since you started highschool, you and Atsumu had become very close friends. After seconds of waiting, he picked up.

"Y/n! Are you okay? Are there weirdo's there?" Atsumu panicked.

You laughed over the the phone. "No no, I just want to talk to you"

Atsumu awed which made you get embarrassed. You then talked about what just happened. "Some girls from the volleyball team asked me to watch their practice tomorrow and to consider joining their team"

Atsumu stayed quiet for a bit until he thought of something to say. "Wow... you should give them a chance, your talent outshines everyone. You could be a great addition to their team"

"Eh maybe, but first imma focus on how their team practices"

For the rest of the day, you and Atsumu talked about random stuff. You also did your homework while talking to him.

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