7|| ɪ'ᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ

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It was the day after the match. You walked to class with your friends like normal. While walking, the girl you accidentally bumped into the day before called your name.

"Oh... hi" you smiled. "Anything wrong?"

The girl blushed. It looked like there was something behind her back that she was hiding.

"Nothing is wrong it's just... have this" she said giving me a box of chocolates.

You took them and looked at the box. Funny enough, it was the box she held yesterday. The name 'Oikawa' was scribbled out and it had your name on it.

"Awh thanks, I'll see you around" you smiled walking towards your friends. You giggled with your friends how you've been gaining admirers.

"IWA-CHAN. She stole my chocolates!" Oikawa frowned crossing his arms.

"That's not my fault, she's just a charmer" Iwaizumi said looking at you. "Looks like she's stealing your fans"

Oikawa stared at you as you smiled and laughed with your friends.

You and your group went to your guys classes and split up. When you sat down on your chair, Oikawa came running in and sat down with an angry face.

"Lighten up, that isn't a good look on you" you said opening the box of chocolates.

"Shut it rival-Chan."

You pretended to zip your mouth and ate your chocolate. As you ate, Oikawa kept glancing at you. When you looked at him, he looked away with a pout.
After Class
When class was done, you threw away your empty box of chocolates then walked to your next class. Oikawa didn't want to see you anymore so he just ran out of class.

When running, his fangirls walked up to him. While Oikawa was distracted, you walked passed him. Oikawa saw you and decided to make you jealous.

"Woah woah ladies, there is plenty of me to go around" he winked.

The girls squealed and gave him some boxes of chocolates. You rolled your eyes and flipped him off, when you kept walking, someone went in your way.

"Hey cutie..." he smirked.

"Hi" you smiled.

"Can I get your number?" He asked you.

"Hmm... maybe, only if you would get me some soda." You smiled.

He nodded and ran to get the soda. Oikawa scoffed and kept talking to his girls. You smirked to yourself and walked to your next class.
After class, the boy gave you your soda and you gave him your number.

"Call me, mkay?" You winked walking away.

He nodded and walked away as well. When walking, you bumped into someone and dropped your soda.

"Damn it." You mumbled picking it up.

"Woah... rival-Chan. Don't touch me again." Oikawa said looking down at you.

"Wasnt planning to. Move out of my way." You said standing up again.

"No, you're being mean." Oikawa crossed his arms.

You sighed and opened your soda can. You then drank some soda and spoke. "You're awfully annoying."

Oikawa backed away from you while grabbing his jacket. "That's rude rival-Chan" he whined as you walked away.

You watched as his pathetic look turned into that stupid grin. You rolled your eyes and continued your way to your next destination.
Before anyone was in the gym, you made your way there first. You never admitted it but you've always wanted to be the top dog. You changed into your practice outfit and got a volleyball.

You smacked it a few times and threw it in the air to serve it. Your hand made in contact with the ball and it flew over to the other side. The ball hit the ground with a hard boom and bounced away.

"I'll be better than them." "I'll show them what a primadonna girl can do." You said staring at the ball.

"You're to much in your head" someone called out from the gym doors.

You expected to see Oikawa but the person you saw was completely unexpected.

"Iwaizumi?... what are you doing here?" You asked him.

"Oh nothing, I was walking around and heard you talking to yourself." He smiled.

You frowned and looked at the ball. "Well do you mind?... I don't mean to be rude but I want to be alone"

Iwaizumi sighed and walked up to you. When he saw how frustrated you looked, he tapped your shoulder.
"You can't live in the past forever, you got to move on. I don't know what's going on in your life but you should forget the words someone has told you."

You looked at Iwaizumi with wide eyes. His eyes had determination in them.

"Remember y/n..." he started to walk towards the door. He stopped walking and turned around with a smirk. "You're the better person..." he then turned back around and walked out the gym without another word.

"I'm the better person..." you thought to yourself. Your thoughts were interrupted by Sachi giving you a smack on your back.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that" you laughed cracking your knuckles.

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