October 19th: Blood and Boredom

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"I wish something exciting happened for a change", I angrily muttered to myself. Quarantine isn't an ideal setting for anyone, especially not me. I have what I can only describe as impatient. I need constant movement and entertainment. I need constant work and business, which some people say, makes me insufferable. I live alone. I have no pets. I am alone.
Completely alone.

While some people in my position may have fallen into a quarantine depression, I have just been in such a deep state of boredom. I am so bored. Nothing was exciting in my life. No adventure. No excitement. No wonder. Just staring at the ceiling. I became so familiar with the sight of my ceiling, I began to talk to it. I felt like the ceiling was my friend. As pathetic and sad as that may sound, it's true, and it kept me somewhat, mildly entertained. Every morning, I'd get up, say,
"Good day ceiling", and go down for breakfast.
It always felt like the ceiling said hello to me. Whenever I said,

"good day ceiling", I felt as if the ceiling was calling out,
"Good day to you too".
A couple of months into quarantine, I received the news that my house had termites. I called a professional to deal with the problem, and they said they would come Tuesday. It was Monday. I assumed I could wait a day, get it dealt with on Tuesday and carry on with my depressive state. I was lying on my bed, scrolling through my phone, when I heard the sound of a raindrop hitting the floor. My first thought was,
"Oh great, now I leak", but when I went to look, it wasn't a leak, it was blood.

Blood was pouring from my ceiling. I didn't know what was happening, and I was scared. As I was thinking of what to do, I heard the sound of a painful groan.
"It hurts", it yelled.
"Who said that?", I yelled.
"Me", it said, and I looked up to realize the sound was coming from the ceiling. The ceiling was talking. I was in shock.
"Get away from me", I cried. I grabbed a couple of essentials, put them in a bag, and bolted out of that house.
"You can't escape me", the voice said, growing louder and louder. As soon as I got out, the

house collapsed in on itself, and I heard the ceiling yell one last time,
"You'll regret this".
Well there you go, I thought to myself, Something exciting happened.

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