Part 1

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“Y/N! Come on, that's my favorite song, stop changing the station!” My sister Katherine yells at me.

“Kath you say that about every song,” I retorted back.

“Well this song is actually my favorite. You know I love Johnny Cash Y/nn.”

“Yeah whatever you say Kath.”

“What! This song is!”

“I’ll believe you if you can tell me what it’s called.”

“It’s called,”  Crash! I jolt awake in my bed.

It’s only a dream I sigh thankful.

“Y/N! I’m going to the Sandlot,” my younger brother yells as he runs out the door. Slam! I sigh as I hear the door shut. I slow down my breathing and rub my eyes. It has been a little over 5 months since Katherine died in that car crash I sigh as I get out of my bed. Crap!  I see him running down the street to catch up with his friends. I forgot to tell him no one will be home so he’ll have to stay with one of the boys tonight. I changed out of my pj’s then ran to Vincent’s drug store. I hope my brother and his friends will be there, since more times than not they have to go there and get a new ball.

“Yeah yeah so does my sister but I didn’t bring her!” I hear my brother laugh as I turn the corner finally catching up with the boys. I take my hat off and hit him upside the head.

“You know I can hear you Alan,” I scoff watching him squirm with the use of his actual name.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he asks rather annoyed with my presence.

“Well I came to tell you I’m not going to be home tonight. Mom is still out of town, so you gotta stay at someone’s house,” I inform him while walking with the boys to the sandlot. As we get to the field I hear the boys arguing about letting a new kid play. I don’t exactly know what they were talking about but it had something to do with Elswenger. They also said something about Benny not needing practice since he’s already the best player on the team. I started to tune them out until I heard my brother saying something about a dodger dog and the boys laughing.

“What are you laughing at yeah-yeah? You run like a duck!” I yell at him. This not only stops his laughing but also all the other boys as well. I roll my eyes at the boys and run off the field back to my house. When I get there I pack for going over to Wendy's house. I grab a mini skirt and a f/c striped tube top throwing them in my bag before I go over to Wendy's house.

“Good Morning Mrs. Peffercorn!” I greet Wendy’s mom as I run up the stairs to Wendy’s room.

“Gosh it took you long enough! I thought you got abducted by aliens or something,” Wendy exclaimed, as she brushed out her blonde hair.

“Well I’m here now so it is obvious I’m fine,” I respond with a huff as I plop down on her bed. I lay down on her bed as the sun shines in through her exquisite bay window. Wendy continues to brush her hair as I lay on her bed.

“So,” Wendy questions while putting her hair brush down, "what are the odds you'll braid my hair?"

"Come here," I beckon so I can braid her hair.

“What are we gonna do today?” she questions.

“I don’t know….anything where I don’t have to do a lot of thinking,” I state as I start to braid her hair.


"What's even playing?" I question.

"I don't know. I'm pretty sure that West Side Story is still there."

"Haven't we seen that 5 times?"

"Yeah but it's so good!”

“Fine let’s go,” I replied standing up after I finished braiding her hair. We got ready to leave her house. We walk to the movie theater since she knows I enjoy walking places if possible after the accident. We get to the theater and decide to watch West Side Story even though we have both seen it at least 5 times. After the movie we went to the park and sat on the swings talking for a while. Wendy knows that I like to take my time and look at people passing by. After the park we went back to her house and played Monopoly. By the time we got done playing Monopoly it was supper time. Wendy’s father grilled out before he had to go to work. We went back to her room after supper to watch TV.

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