Part 14

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The next morning I wake up and nuzzle my head into Benny's chest. I lay in his arms for a while until my mother barged into my room.

"Y/n m/n McClennan! It's 11 on a Monday. Why are you still in bed? Wait why are there clothes all over your room and what the hell is Benny doing here?" my mother thundered. Benny stirred at the loud noise.

"Mother, it's summer break let me sleep. Benny is my boyfriend that's why he's here. Now if you please get out of my room," I sneer back at her.

"I'm leaving with Travis for vacation and I won't be back for a week. When I get back you better be in better shape and your brother too otherwise things are going to be different." With that my mother slams the door shut and leaves with her boyfriend. Benny stirs and sits up in the bed.

"I'm sorry about her Ben," I sniffled.

"Hey hey it's okay love. By the time she gets back you won't have to deal with her anymore right?"

"Yeah you’re right."

"So what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know. I have to clean the house and do laundry. I also have work today."

"Okay." Benny replies, getting out of bed gathering his clothes. I grab a pair of shorts and get dressed keeping Benny's shirt on. I bring my laundry down and start the machine. I wake my brother up and take his laundry down so once mine finishes I can start his. While the laundry is going I make brunch for the boys and clean the living room. After brunch I change the laundry and do the dishes. By the time the laundry gets done it is time for me to go to work.

"Boys please don't burn the house down while I'm gone," I holler as I run out the door. I start my car and drive to work. My shift is from 2-8 so I figure the boys will go to the sandlot while I'm at work.

"Good afternoon," I greet as I walk into the library. I walk back to the desk in the children's department. I sit at the desk in the children's department for 3 hours until it closes at 5. Once the children's section closes I re-shelf the books that were returned that day and then go to the main desk. I work the main desk until the library closes at 8. I re-shelf the books there then close the library up for the night. I get some groceries for the week since I will be doing most of the cooking for the week. Once I'm done I drive to the diner and get supper for the boys and I. By the time I get home it's almost 10.

"Boys I'm home and I brought food so I hope you're hungry," I yell as I walk in the front door. I kick my shoes off and sit at the table eating my supper. The boys run downstairs and sit at the table grabbing their suppers.

"How was work today y/n?" my brother questions.

"It was alright. A lot of people came to the library today so I was busy. What did you boys do today?" I ask.

"We went to the sandlot and played ball," my brother informed.

"Why is that not a shock?" I laugh.

"So y/n do you want me to come with you to lunch tomorrow?" my brother questions.

"Sure. If you want we can bring the emancipation paperwork," I state as I finish my food.

"Hey sunshine I gotta question," Benny gulped.

"Yeah boo bear," I giggled.

"Can you drive me home after supper? I wanna grab some extra clothes to change into for tomorrow and the next few days," Benny questioned.

"Yeah I can bring you there," I affirm as I get up from the table to put my leftovers in the fridge. The boys finish their food and my brother goes back up to his room.

"You ready?" I ask Benny as I start to walk out the door.

"Yeah lets go!" Benny exclaims running out the door picking me up on his way out.

"Put me down Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez."

"I'm good," he laughs, spinning me around.

"Please Benny."

"I'll set you down once we get to the car," he retorts, plopping me down on the hood of my car.

"Thank you Benny," I beam jumping off the hood of my car. I get in and start driving us to his house. Once we get there Benny leads me in his front door and up to his room so he can grab clothes. I sit on his bed as he sifts through his closet and puts some clothes in a suitcase.

While Benny goes to the bathroom I walk over to his closet and pull out a certain shirt. I slip the jersey on over by tube top and wait to see how long it will take Benny to notice. Benny walks in and grabs a few things for playing ball before throwing me over his shoulder again. I grab the handle of his suitcase pulling it with us while we head back out to my car. He sets me down and puts his suitcase in the back seat. I start the car and we head back to my house. We drive back with only the radio as noise. As we pull into my driveway Benny quickly hops out and opens my door picking me up bridal style. He grabs his suitcase and carries me into the house up to my room. Once we get to my room he lets go of his suitcase and spins me around.

"What is the meaning of this Benny?" I manage to stifle out between my giggles.

"What do you mean wiffey?" he laughs.


"Yeah wiffey." He says laying me down on the bed.

"Hey keep it down in here. I'm trying to sleep!" my brother complains barging into my room.

"Whoa whoa there buddy what if we would have actually been doing something?" I hiss.

"Well it's a good thing I brought this," my brother snorts as he throws a condom at us.

"Wait where the fuck did you get this from?" I shriek at him.

"Classified." he retorts shutting my door. Benny walks back over to my bed and sits on the edge.

"You know you look pretty hot in my jersey," he whispers, moving his head closer to mine.

"Huh I didn't think you noticed," I fired back. His lips were on mine milliseconds after I said that.

"As hot as look in my jersey I think you would look better without it," he mumbles against my jaw. My hands move to his hair as he starts sucking at my neck. He trails his lips back up my neck to my lips. Once he gets back to my lips his hands slips his jersey off. My hands move down to his pants and I unbutton them sliding them off. I pull away from Benny's lips for a second to pull my shirt off. Benny slips his shirt off and I pull him back down so I can kiss him again. He licks my lip and I open my mouth letting him in. Our tongues fight for dominance but he wins and I allow him to roam my mouth. After a couple minutes he pulls away to breath. I take the time to admire his toned body.

"Like what you see?"

"Yeah." That's all it takes for him to start kissing me again. The kiss is rough and full of passion. His hands move to unbutton my shorts and pull them off. As our lips slow down their pace Benny's hands move their way back up my body stopping at the claps of my bra. He breaks the kiss and looks at you trying to read your expression for any sign of regret or discomfort. I nod my head and move one of my hands to the strap of my bra sliding it down my shoulder. He unclasped my bra and slowly takes it off then trails his lips down my jaw leaving hickeys in their wake. My hands move back up to his hair as he continues his kissing down my neck. Lets just say we're both thankful for that condom my brother threw at us.

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