Part 12

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I wake up early the next morning to find Benny has already left. As I get up I grab one of his jerseys and put it on before I head out to the living room. I pass the kitchen and see Benny attempting to cook. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him.

"Morning," I whisper, burying my head in his neck.

"Good morning sunshine," he answers, turning around to face me.


"You're my sunshine," he responded, giving me a quick peck on the lips. He goes back to cooking breakfast.

"I think I burnt it," he remarked gesturing to the food on the stove.

"Oh Benny," I giggle, shaking my head at him. I go and grab some plates out of the cupboard. I hand him the plates and he puts our breakfast on a plate.



"If I got an emancipation would you support me?"

"Yeah of course I would y/nn. You could tell me you killed someone and I would support you."

"Awe thanks Ben." We eat our breakfast then I go to my house to talk to my brother.

"Alan come here for a second please." I yell as I walk into our house. I hear him run down the stairs and slide across the floor stopping right before he runs into me.

"Hey y/nn. What's up?" he questions.

"Well I've decided that I'm gonna get an emancipation. My relationship with mom well to put it lightly is shit."

"Well where are you gonna stay? You can't stay here if you get an emancipation."

"Well I'm gonna get a place of my own or something. Once I figure it all out you are more than welcome to stay with me if you want."

"Well maybe I will stay with you. I mean it's not like mom is ever home. She is always staying at her new boyfriend Travis's house."

"I'm gonna go pick up the paperwork. Do you want me to get you paperwork too?"

"Yeah yeah I guess you can."

"You wanna come with me?"

"Naw I'll stay here."

"Okay." I drive to the courthouse and pick up the forms for both me and my brother. As I pull into the driveway I see a strange car in the driveway.

"Hey honey how are you?" My mom asked, giving me a big hug. A strange man walks over and sticks his hand out for me to shake.

"Hello you must be y/n I've heard so much about you," he informs me, shaking my hand, "I'm Travis, your mother's boyfriend."

"Um it's nice to meet you Travis," I mumble.

"What's that you have there," my mother asks pointing to the emancipation papers in my hand.

"Um it's nothing," I spit out stuffing the papers in my back pocket.

"Hey how about we all go get some lunch?" Travis questions.

"Uh sure I could use some food," Alan answered.

"Alright what about you hon?" my mom asks me.

"Um I guess I will come along," I shyly comment.

"Let's go," Travis exclaims clapping his hands toghether. Travis leads us out to his car. My mom sits in the passenger seat while Yeah-Yeah and I sit in the back seat. The car ride is filled with an awkward silence until finally Travis speaks up.

"So y/n what are you like? I know your brother pretty well but what about you?" he asks.

"Well I'm in honors classes and I run a lot. I'm pretty boring otherwise." I inform.

"Well if you are anything like your mother there is no way you are boring y/n." he laughs as he pulls into the parking lot of a small cafe I've never seen before. We get out of the car and sit in a booth. My mother and Travis on one side and Alan and me on the other.

"So y/n how come I've never met you before? Your mother and I have been going out for over a year." Travis questions.

"Well I was in West Virginia for a little over 10 months. I also stayed at my Aunt Linda's for awhile." I tell him.

"Linda? Your father's sister?" my mom questions.

"Yeah! I stayed with her and Maverick. We went to the zoo and went shopping." I marvel.

"Well sometime you and I will have to hang out. How about that?" Travis asks.

"Yeah we can do that sometime," I respond. A waitress comes to take our order.

"So Alan how is baseball going?" My mom asks.

"It's good yeah-yeah it's great even. I got to play on varsity for a game even!" he exclaims.

"Yeah he did great mom. He had a great season and you would know that if you came to one of his games." I snapped at her.

"Well I had stuff going on you know how it is. Adult stuff and work you wouldn't understand." she stamers.

"Yeah whatever mom." I sneered, rolling my eyes.

"Hey y/n how was your date last night?" my brother asks, trying to change the subject.

"Oh it was great. Thanks for asking but how did you know?" I question.

"Well Squints called last night to let me know you weren't gonna be home. He said it was because you were gonna be at Benny's," he made known before bumping my shoulder. Of course he had to elbow me when he mentioned Benny's name.

"What is this about you and Benny? I thought you hated him," my mom questions.

"Benny's my boyfriend, mom and I never hated him. I just didn't want to let him in at first but once I did we were inseperable," I recount as the waitress hands us our food. I eat my food thankful that no one talks to me while I'm eating. Travis pays for our food and we all pile back into the car.

"So Alan how would you feel about going to another baseball game this season?" Travis questions. Alan and Travis engage in a conversation while I look out the window hoping my mom continues to ignore me. As Travis pulls into the driveway I unbuckle my seatbelt hopeing to get out of the car as soon as he stops it. Once Travis turns the car off I get out and run upstairs my brother following  a few steps behind me. He pulls paperwork out of the back pocket of my bell bottoms. He grabs a pen out from my desk drawer and starts filling out the form.

"Wow I would have never thought you would be the first one to start filling this form out. Especially after that conversation with Travis," I state sarcastically as I start to fill out my own form. After about an hour both of us finished filling out our forms. All that we had to fill out was a parent signature.

"How are we supposed to get a signature!" my brother exclaims.

"Well we have more than one parent," I state.

"You want dad to sign these? He still exists?" my brother questions extremely confused.

"I mean do you think mom is going to and yes he exists?" I responded back.

"I mean you have a point but where is he even?" he asks.

"I had lunch with him a week ago and I've been having lunch with him every Thursday at his house since I got back. He's a great parent. Better than mom is. He bought me a car and actually knows and cares about what I do," I state.

"Well I guess I should call him. I haven't seen him in awhile." Alan responds. We call our father and he asks if we can meet him for dinner the next day. Alan and I agree to wait until the next dinner to ask him to sign our emancipation papers. That night I went to bed happy for the first time in a long time.

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