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The rest of the summer I spend with Benny. We do everything together. I cry myself to sleep most nights still broken over everything that has happened in the past few months. Kay lets me be homeschooled and somehow we convince Benny’s mom to let him be home schooled as well. Most Friday nights Benny and I go on double dates with Wendy and Squints. Benny and I finish school mid march. We decide to spend the rest of the time before everyone else goes on summer break at my aunt Linda’s. The summer goes by fast and soon it's school again. It feels weird to go back to school after being homeschooled for 2 years. Before I know it senior year is over. After commencement Benny pulls me aside.

“Hey y/n I gotta question,” he sputters out. He is rather nervous which is weird for him.

“Yeah Benny,” I question full of wonder. He grabs something out of his pocket and gets down on one knee.

“Y/n. I love you. I love you so much. You are so kindhearted and beautiful. Even after everything you have been through you still have that bright smile. I want to grow old with you. I want to have kids and teach them baseball and how to read. I want to be with you. I want to be with you forever. So will you do the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?” he asks.

“Yes! Yes!” I nod my head, tears threatening to spill. He slips the ring on my finger and picks me up spinning me around.

The wedding is beautiful. It’s a small service with only our close friends there. My brother walks me down the aisle. I smile all day at the wedding. Benny and I get a beach house after I finish college. We have 5 kids, 4 boys and a girl. Benny teaches the boys to play baseball and I teach our daughter, Katherine how to read. Katherine is so much like my sister who idolizes her aunt. Every Saturday the two of us go and visit Kath’s grave. As I lay in bed with my husband on my side I think to myself. What if I hadn't met Benny on the roof that day?

I hope y'all enjoyed it! I loved writing this and I hope that I didn't make you cry too much. Thank you for reading! I love all of you.

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