Part 10

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I wake up to a slight knocking on my door. I look over at my clock and see it's almost 8.

"Hello," I groggily responded.

"Can I come in?" Alan asks.

"I don't care," I groan forgetting about the fact that Benny is lying right next to me.

"Can you drive me to wait a second what the hell is Benny doing here?"

"Oh um he's sleeping. Can't you tell?"

"Well obviously he's asleep but what is he doing in your room?"

"Again he's sleeping but I don't think that's the answer you were looking for. I told him he could stay here since it would've been late when he got home."

"Whatever. Anyways can you give me a ride to school?" Alan questions rolling his eyes.

"Yeah I guess I can. Let me wake this one up first."

"Okay good luck with that," my brother jokes as he walks out of my room.

"Benny wake up," I muttered while shaking him to wake him up.

"Ugh what time is it?"

"It's almost 8 Ben. I'm giving you and Alan a ride to school today. Hurry up and get ready."

"Can't I just go like this?" he questions still half asleep.

"Yeah that's a negative. You go shower and I'll let you wear one of my baseball jerseys." I say hoping that will make him get up.

"Will you join me?" he smirks.

"Yeah once again that is a negative." I giggle elbowing him in the side.

"A guy can only try."

"Hurry up," I gripe while pushing him towards my bathroom. I change into something more presentable than before. I go down stairs and make myself a cup of coffee and breakfast for Benny. Benny comes down the stairs and I give him his breakfast which he scarves down. Once I finish my coffee we pile into my can and drive to school.

"Bye boys. Behave today," I joke as they get out of the car, "wait what time does practice end at?"

"It ends at 6 y/nn. See you then," Benny informs, shutting the door blowing me a kiss goodbye to me. I pull out of the school parking lot and wonder what to do. I drive around town for about an hour before I see a help wanted sign in the window of the library. The same one I would spend hours in as a child. I pull over and walk into the grand walkway of a place that was a second home to me. I walk up to the desk and ring the bell for service.

"Y/n! It's so wonderful to see you! How can I help you today?" the librarian Mrs.Barnes greets.

"Well I noticed the help wanted sign and I was wondering if I could apply?" I ask.

"Well you wouldn't even need to apply. You probably know this place better than half of the people who work here. If you want the job it's yours." she exclaims happy to have someone she knows working at her library.

"Thank you Mrs.Barnes! When do you want me to start?"

"You can start tomorrow if that works for you?"

"Perfect! I can't wait. See you then!" I chirp happy to have a job. 

"I will see you then,"  she responds. I walk out the doors and go shopping remembering that there wasn't much for food in the fridge. I go home and put the food in the fridge, then make myself lunch. After making lunch I clean the house and do laundry. After I'm done with cleaning I watch TV until the boys are almost done with practice. I drive and pick up the boys from practice.

"Hey boys," I greet, "how was practice?"

"It was fine. Can you drop me off at my house?" Benny questions.

"Yeah of course," I responded. I drop Benny off and drive home in silence. As I pull into the driveway I turn and look at my brother.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Why do you think something's wrong?" he grumbles.

"Twinstinct." I joke.

"That's not even a thing." he sasses.

"Yes is it."


"Now tell me what's wrong."

"I'm not playing as good as I used to y/nn. I’m slipping up and dropping balls left and right. I know I said baseball was good and it is. I’m just not playin the same way I used to"

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault it's stressful ya know."

"Yeah I know," I respond as I get out of the car. We walk into the house and go our separate ways. I start to make supper for us while Alan does his homework. After I finish making supper I set the table and tell my brother supper is ready.

After supper I clean up and get ready for bed. I make lunch for Alan and Benny. I also call Benny and Wendy to let them know I'll be driving them to school. I go to bed early that night knowing that I'll have to get up early the next morning.

When I get up the next morning I get ready to work at the library. I also make breakfast for the boys knowing Benny will be over soon. Benny ends up showing up the exact moment when breakfast is ready he ends up eating first. My brother comes out from his room a few minutes after Benny gets here and starts eating. After they finish I do dishes, give them their lunches, and we pile in the car going to pick up Wendy. Once we pick up Wendy I drop them off at school and I head to work. I work until 2:30 so afterwards I pick Wendy up and we hang out at her house. Once the boys are done with practice I pick them up. I make supper and then lunch for the next day. I follow that routine the rest of the school year. Wake Up. Get Ready. Make Breakfast. Pick Up Wendy. Drop Them Off At School. Work. Pick Wendy Up And Hang Out With Her Until After Practice. Pick The Boys Up. Make Supper And Lunches. Eat. Get Ready For The Next Day. The only difference is sometimes Benny stays over and sometimes we pick up Squints. Otherwise it's always the same routine until everyone finishes school.

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