Part 16

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The next morning I woke up to the smell of waffles. I walk out of my room and see Benny making breakfast. I walk down stairs smiling.

"Good morning Boo Bear," I sing walking into the kitchen.

"Morning gorgeous," he exclaims, picking me up and spinning me around. He sets me on the counter top and goes back to cooking the pancakes. After he finishes making pancakes he puts some on a plate and sits on the counter next to me. We finish eating our pancakes and get dressed.

"Well since you won't tell me where we are going I guess you are driving then lover boy," I chuckle tossing him my keys. He catches the and starts the car driving us to our destination. After a few hours I recognized the familiar driveway of my aunt's house. We pull into the driveway and my aunt walks out to greet us.

"Hey kiddos," my aunt greets us, giving us both hugs.

"Hey Aunt Linda!" I exclaim.

"Now I don't know if Benny told you or not but Mav and I won't be home. It'll be you two here," my aunt informs me as Benny brings our luggage in. Now my aunt had met Benny before. It was about 5 weeks ago when I brought Benny out to meet my aunt. She also saw him at my dad’s funeral. Him and Maverick hit it off right away and got along like two peas in a pod. They both love baseball and talked about it non-stop the entire weekend. As Benny walks out I see him with Maverick on his shoulders.

"Y/nn!" Maverick exclaims as Benny sets him down. I bend down and give Maverick a hug.

"Hey Mav. How's it going buddy?" I question ruffling his hair.

"It's good! Mommy is gonna take me on vacation!" he beams.

"Say bye to y/n and Benny for now buddy we gotta go," Linda states.

"Bye y/nn. Bye Benny" Maverick pouts.

"Bye Mav," Benny and I wave as Linda pulls out of the driveway.

"We get the whole place to ourselves," Benny murmurs kissing my jaw. His arms wrap around my torso and he leaves hot kisses down my neck.

"Benny can we at least go inside?"

"Anything for you princess," he remarks, picking me up and carrying me to the guest bedroom. He places me on the bed and starts taking clothes off both of us.

A few hours later I wake up and see Benny draped across my body. I look at the clock and see it's almost 6.

"Benny," I whisper trying to wake him up. He shifts a little but doesn't wake up.

"Benny," I whisper once again but he doesn't wake up. I give up and decide to push him off the bed. He wakes up with a loud thud.

"What time is shit I booked us reservations for 6:30," he informs me as he starts to get dressed. I slide out of bed and put on the only dress I packed. It's f/c with a lace bodice and a mid thigh length skirt. We finish getting ready and Benny drives us to the restaurant. As we pull into the restaurant I smile remembering how I brought him here last time. The place is one of my favorites. It's the kind of restaurant where you dress up exquisite clothes. The kind you wear to a wedding or a funeral or something else real fancy but here they only serve fast food. We sit down at a table ordering fries, milkshakes, and burgers. After supper Benny and I drive back to my aunt's house and walk along the beach ditching our shoes. By the time we get back to the house the sun is long gone and the stars shine above us.

"What if we went swimming," Benny jokes.

"Okay," I giggle as I walk over to Benny and untie his bow tie. I start to unbutton his shirt as his hands move to unzip my dress. My dress falls down on the beach as I slide his shirt off letting it fall next to my dress. My hands move to his belt. I quickly undo it and toss it on top of his shirt. I unbutton his pants and he kicks them off. I walk to the ocean and dive under the water. Benny follows suit picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. He spins me around before throwing me into the ocean.

"You're beautiful," Benny states, kissing me.

"I know lover boy I know," I smirked while diving under the water. I grab his legs and he falls into the water.

"Rude," Benny exclaims.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes before kissing him. We switch between swimming around and making out until the sun starts to come up. Benny and I grab our clothes before heading back to my aunts house so we can shower. After we shower I lead Benny back to the bedroom where we fall asleep. The rest of the week we live by our own schedule. Most nights get spent swimming in the ocean or stargazing. Which usually leaves us to sleep until almost 2 everyday. We even drive and catch a dodgers game while we are in Santa Barbara. I smile so much on this trip that by the time we head home it hurts to smile. The whole car ride home Benny keeps me laughing with all his stories of the crazy thing the boys have done. Unbeknownst to me this is the last time I'll be laughing in a long time.

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