Part 7

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When I woke up the next morning I noticed Wendy fell asleep on her desk. I go to her kitchen and make us some waffles for breakfast.

“Good morning,” Wendy interjects as I hand her a plate of Waffles.

“Want me to drive you to school?” I question.

“Sure. Since I don’t have my license yet, that would be great!”

“Alright. Let me know when you are ready and I’ll bring you there.”

“The keys are in the car so you can wait there if you want. I’ll be ready in 5 minutes,” Wendy states as she goes up stairs to finish getting ready. I walk out to Wendy’s blue 1956 Chevy corvette and start it up. As I start it I hear a song that I haven’t heard in over 2 years. It’s the song my sister was listening to before the crash. I sit frozen unable to move as the song plays. A tear slips down my face as I listen to the chorus of the song. While more tears come down my face I slowly whisper out the song.

“I went down, down, down the ring of fire,” I whispered out before I completely broke down in tears. I stop crying after a few minutes and start to collect myself. I wipe my tears and take a few deep breaths before Wendy gets in the car.

"You okay y/nn?" Wendy questions.

"Yeah I'm alright," I tell her.

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure....Ready for school?"

"No. I wanna go back to bed," she responds.

"Well I can get you coffee or something before school starts."

"You are the best y/nn!"

"I know I am," I quip back. We drive to a small cafe and both get coffee before I drop Wendy back off at school.

"If you want I'll let you take my car for a drive but you gotta be back by 3 to pick me up okay?" Wendy suggests.

"Okay thanks Wen."

"Anything for you." As I pull out of the school parking lot I start driving. I don't know where I was going. I drive for about 2 hours before I realize exactly where I am going. As I pull into the parking lot of the beach I remember the weekend before I left for West Virginia.



The week before I left, Benny decided to take me to the beach for a weekiend. It took a lot of convincing for my brother to let me go. He claims it was because he was gonna miss me too much. I knew it was because he was worried I might break down and he didn’t know how Benny would handle it. Benny said we were gonna be gone the whole weekend and to pack a swimsuit and a few changes of clothes. Other than that he didn't tell me anything else. Not even where we were going. As we pulled into the beach I instantly started to smile. I had been to this beach many times as a kid. It was late on Friday by the time we got there and the sun was starting to set. It was a beautiful pink and purple sunset. Benny went to the trunk and grabbed a blanket for us to lay down on. As we laid down on the blanket to look at the stars Benny reached over and grabbed my hand. We stayed like that for a while staring at the stars.

"Benny,"  I whisper.


"You see the stars right?"

"Of course I see the stars. You think I'm blind McClennan?"

"No, I don't think you are blind Ben. I was gonna say those stars are the same ones I'm gonna see in West Virginia. You can look at those stars and remember me."

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