Strangely Offbeat

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Scene 3: Plan of Action

"We need another plan. We've figured out where the sound is allegedly coming from, but now what?" Ezra stood off to the side a little bit trying to think of something when the noise started growing louder.

"You hear that?" Jaxon asked.

"Yeah." Ezra glanced around the room until her eyes landed on something that might prove to be quite useful. "I think I got it."

Ezra led Jaxon over to a door by the bathrooms. There was a sign on it that read MAINTENANCE. Ezra gave him a look that meant 'don't get caught.' He gave her a small nod and opened the door.

There was a slight squeak, but it wasn't enough to draw any attention since the music was so loud. Ezra stood 'guard' outside, but couldn't help herself and started head bobbing. I mean, who could blame her? The song was catchy.

A couple minutes later Jaxon came out heaving a giant 10 foot ladder. If they were going to be noticed it would definitely happen with a hulking piece of metal. But, luck seemed to be on their side since the trapdoor happened to be in a very secluded spot far enough away from the dance floor.

"Do you need any help?" Ezra asked, making sure her friend was ok with carrying all that weight by himself.

"No, I got it. Thanks, though." Jaxon gave her a quirky smile before lifting the ladder and walking off.

Ezra giggled to herself before following after him.

Scene 4: Through the Trapdoor

Jaxon placed the ladder directly underneath the trapdoor and gave an inaudible sigh.

"You alright?" Ezra asked while placing a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just do this and get it over with. I know we're both dying to know what's making that sound." Jaxon began making his way up the ladder as Ezra looked around making sure nobody was looking.

Once Jaxon was at the top he grabbed a hold of the metal handle and twisted. He made his way up into the attic as Ezra began ascending the ladder.

"I just realized something." Jaxon mumbled.

"What?" Ezra gave him a questioning look while she tilted her head to the side.

"What are we gonna do with the ladder?"

Ezra's eyes went wide at their apparent dilemma. Her mind started racing thinking about what they were gonna do, but then she came to a realization.

"We won't do anything." Ezra noticed Jaxon was looking a little unsure so she explained to him the reason. "Since nobody is able to hear the noise I just assumed that nobody would be able to see the trapdoor either. So, as long as we're quick and we stick to the plan then we won't be up here for that long. Don't worry about it too much, Jax. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to put the ladder back before anyone notices we were even gone."

Jaxon took in the information and decided that she was probably right. "Alright, let's do this!"

Jaxon scooted back so there was enough room for Ezra to climb up. As the young teenager made her way into the attic it wasn't long before her eyes caught sight of something she had never believed existed.

"Is that a portal?!" Ezra exclaimed with excitement and a slight hint of worry in her eyes.

"What? Where?" Jaxon was confused until Ezra pointed in the direction behind him.

Both teens were stunned into silence until Jaxon slowly started making his way towards it.

"Jaxon, wait!" Ezra shouted stopping the boy in his tracks just as he was about to reach out and touch the swirling colors.

She took a few steps forward until she was standing right beside him.

"We'll do it together, ok? On the count of three." Ezra gave Jaxon a reassuring smile and he nodded his head.

"Alright. One."

Jaxon gulped nervously, but kept a straight face. He couldn't let his anxiety overtake him, especially not now.


Ezra quickly collected herself as well as mentally prepare for whatever was about to happen.


The two teenagers simultaneously reached out and touched the portal. Everything went black until they were harshly thrown into the middle of a forest a little bit before sunset.

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