Forbidden Romance

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Scene 15: 10th Grade Vamp Style

Jaxon's POV

Today marked the end of my first official week as a Sophomore. It had been a little weird at first attending school with my uncle, but I soon got used to seeing him in the halls.

I had also made a friend. He told me his name was Logan, but the sad thing is, he's human. So, I have to be extra careful around him.

I had grown a little depressed ever since my dad banned me from seeing Ezra.

The day we kissed was such a magical moment, as cheesy as that sounds, that's what it felt like.

It was also my first kiss, and something in me says it was hers, too.

I returned my attention back to the teacher. I had gotten lost in my thoughts once again, so I was confused when everybody started getting up.

It wasn't until Logan came over and started discussing the plans for his afternoon that I realized school was finally over, and the weekend had arrived.

Stefan's POV

I waited for my nephew outside. I wanted to ask him about what happened the other night.

Soon enough Jaxon was by my side and we were heading to the car. I waited until I had pulled out of the parking lot to bring it up.

"Would you mind filling me in on what exactly happened the other night? I've seen my brother angry before, but never quite like that." I glanced over at Jaxon to see he was tensed up. This made me believe that nothing good had actually happened.

"Dad was mad because he found out I liked Ezra. He caught us together. We weren't doing anything. We just kissed."

Jaxon's revelation caused me to swerve the car. I had easily gotten it back under control, though, before anything could happen.

Jaxon sighed and mumbled, "I guess that means you're upset, too."

I furrowed my eyebrows and asked him what he meant.

"I just thought that you agreed with what Dad had said." Jaxon started to look a little uncomfortable. It seemed like he didn't want to talk about this, but I needed to know what my brother said.

"What did your father tell you, Jaxon?"

My nephew sighed again and quietly replied, "He told me he didn't want me to see Ezra ever again. He told me that as long as he was my father he wouldn't allow me to date a Mikaelson." There was a pause before Jaxon spoke up again. "Uncle Stefan, did something happen to him? Did someone in Ezra's family do something to make him act like this?"

Now it was my turn to be uncomfortable. I knew this wasn't something I needed to be telling him, but I also knew that Damon would never tell him.

So, I told Jaxon the story.

The story of Damon Salvatore's Downfall.

Scene 16: Romeo & Juliet Vamp Style

Ezra's POV

I woke up the next morning cuddled in my father's chest. Everything that happened the night before came flooding back to my mind, and I couldn't help but sniffle.

The action caused my dad to wake up which I wasn't sure was a good or bad thing.

It wasn't until he spoke that I knew my mask had completely shattered.

"What's wrong, Ezra?"

I broke down in my father's arms that morning. He didn't completely understand everything that was going on in my life, so I decided to tell him. I knew I wouldn't be able to speak, so instead, I gave him my journal. I had recorded everything that happened to me while I was in my world.

Once he finished reading it he looked up at me. I could tell there was remorse and sadness in his eyes, but I told him it wasn't his fault and that he didn't need to worry.

That morning he made sure I felt loved and protected. He played the role of my father like his life depended on it.

One trait that I realized I still possessed was my selflessness. I didn't want anybody to worry about me to the point where I was their only focus. Especially not my father.

I tried explaining this to him, but he said he didn't care. That he would always worry about me. No matter what.

I thought this would make me upset, but it turns out, it made me content.

This man changed my view on so many of my beliefs. He made me a better person. He gave me life.

Elijah Mikaelson is my father.

And that's one thing that I will always be thankful for.

Klaus' POV

I had come to learn the truth about the events that transpired the last couple of nights.

I was also given life changing news.

It turns out that my niece is an evolution whose mate is none other than Jaxon Salvatore.

When I had heard the news from Stefan as well as information about Jaxon's dilemma with his father, I knew this was fate.

As much as I didn't want Ezra to find out, she would need to be told right away.

I was terrified of losing my niece so soon, but I've come to learn that she isn't the type of person to just run off and leave once she's made a connection with someone.

I believe with my whole heart that she made a connection with this family.

Her family.

She wasn't going to leave.

Not this time.

And not ever again.

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