Meeting the Family

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Scene 7: Awkward Tears

Ezra's POV

Klaus made his way back outside and sped around to the passenger side. He opened the car door and gave me a look of reassurance.

"I told them exactly what you told me." He whispered and it gave me a small boost of confidence. Though, that little bit of self assurance quickly dwindled out as soon as we stepped inside.

The air held a thickness to it and as I looked around at all the faces I only ever saw from a TV screen I felt time slowly stop, but the awkwardness just grew and grew.

I saw that they all had glistening cheeks which I found even more weird since I didn't have a clue who these people were except from what I knew from TV. The fact that they were crying because of me was heart wrenching yet totally awkward.

It wasn't until I felt a stinging in the back of my throat that I rushed out of there as fast as I could.

This was one situation I could not handle. I never had a family in my world. I was an orphan. Believe it or not since I was 17 Child Protective Services let me handle myself. Now to think that in this world I actually have a family, a big one at that, it's just too much. But, the more I thought about it the more I was beginning to agree with Jax.

Maybe this is something I could get used to.

Maybe this is my chance at a new and better life.

Scene 8: Grief, Pain and Blood Lust

Ezra's POV

I ended up running straight into town. I had never been here before, but I knew from the show the places this town had to offer.

Right now though I needed to focus on not killing anybody. My bloodlust would just grow if I did. Who knows? I might even become a Ripper like Stefan.

I had never killed before in this life. In my past life, though, I was a witness to one of my friend's deaths. You would probably tell me that it wasn't my fault, but I knew it was. It had happened a few weeks before Prom. Things happened, fights broke out, feelings were hurt, and in the end I got hurt myself. But, my experience doesn't even compare to what happened to my friend. So, I took the blame.

To even think about killing now...

It causes me so much pain.

I haven't been here all that long, but I already don't like it. Maybe it's because of the fact that I don't want to drink blood. Or maybe it's because I've been hurt and have been holding onto the emotions for so long that it's causing me to feel everything at once. Or maybe I'm just not used to it yet.

It wasn't until I started to feel an intense hunger and need for blood that I truly realized I needed my family.

Klaus' POV

"She's overwhelmed. I don't know too much about her and what happened in her old life, but I know what she's after. She's after blood." After Klaus made his statement, he rushed out wanting to find his niece as fast as possible before something happened.

He knew something was wrong. He saw it in her eyes when she grabbed his arm in the car.


Something happened to her in her old life. Now being a vampire has made it so much worse for her. He knew that what she was feeling was going to drive her blood lust to the max.

He couldn't let that happen.

Elijah's POV

The moment felt so surreal. Like it was all just a dream. I literally had to pinch myself to make sure. I just couldn't believe it.

My whole body was numb to the point that I didn't notice my siblings gather around me.

"Are you alright?" My younger sister, Rebekah asked me as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not sure." I had managed to whisper.

"It'll be alright. Klaus will find her." Kol reassured.

I sighed. "That's not what's worrying me."

"Then what is?" Rebekah moved so she was standing in front of me rather than behind. She made me look at her when I spoke.

"This whole situation with the portal. The only creatures who are able to see and hear them are evolutions. That means that Ezra is an evolution and this new Ezra is her evolved form."

Rebekah ran a hand through her hair, but felt the need to ask. "Is that a problem?"

I told her my honest opinion. "No. It is not, sister."

"Well, are you going to stay here or are you going to help Klaus find her?!" Kol, I could tell, was getting restless. He was always protective over Ezra. Now that she's here. It's causing him to get agitated.

"I will let Klaus find her and bring her home. I understand that she will need time to come to terms with what's happening. I plan on giving that to her. I suggest you do as well."

Kol let out a huff, but then asked, "How much time?"

I smiled and told him, "As much time as she needs."

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