A Fresh Start

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Scene 9: Soul Connection

Jaxon's POV

After the little family meeting I was sort of feeling a bit better. Thankfully, my Uncle Stefan taught me about my powers and convinced my dad to let me drink animal blood. He also had me enrolled into the local High School and compelled the office lady to put me in the same lunch shift as Ezra. Sadly, we can't be in the same classes since she's technically a Senior and I'm a Sophomore.

I decided I would ask dad if I could go over and see Ezra in the morning since it was pretty late at night.

I casually climbed down the stairs and entered the parlor where dad was sitting drinking what I assumed to be some type of alcohol. I strolled over to his side and was about to ask my question when he beat me to it.

"I already know what you're gonna ask. If you weren't supposedly a different person I would've said no, but after everything that's happened I can't do that to you. I understand that in your world you two were friends, so in this world I'm ok with that." Dad looked up at me and gave a tight smile.

"I know this must be so weird for you and Ezra. I just hope that you understand that you are my son. You are Jaxon Salvatore. If you leave then my son won't exist here anymore. The same goes for Ezra. If she leaves and goes back to your world then the Ezra that lives here won't exist either."

I thought about what dad just told me. I was starting to understand what was actually going on. "So, that means that we're technically the same person now? That the Jaxon and Ezra that existed here before are now part of us?"

Dad nodded his head and drank the rest of his drink. I knew I would need to tell Ezra. She deserved to know what was potentially going on as well.

"I think it's time we both head to bed." Dad suggested as he put his glass in the sink.

"Alright. Good night then." I was about to head back upstairs when I felt a tug on my arm. I was quickly turned around and pulled into a bone crushing hug by my father.

"I love you, Jaxon. You mean so much to me. Don't ever forget that." Dad quietly whispered before whisking up the stairs to his room.

"I love you too, dad." I mumbled before heading up to my own room to get ready for bed.

Scene 10: The Bunny Diet

Klaus' POV

My search didn't take long because I immediately picked up Ezra's scent the moment I left the house. I ended up finding her in an alleyway thankfully not covered in blood, but shaking and obviously frightened. Her eyes were wide and she was staring straight ahead. She seemed to be in a sort of trance, but I knew it was shock. She hasn't had any blood in her system since she arrived and I knew it would only be a matter of time before she desiccated.

I took a few steps closer very carefully. She hadn't moved at all, so I assumed she just hadn't seen me yet.

As soon as I was close enough I grabbed ahold of her shoulder careful not to scare her. She flinched a bit, but settled down once she saw it was me.

"Hey, shh. It's ok. You need to drink blood, Ezra. Otherwise, I think you know what'll happen." I quietly spoke to her trying to convince her she'd be alright as long as she had a bit of blood. Though, I could tell that she was still pretty hesitant about it.

I thought maybe I could ask Stefan for some animal blood if I said it was for my niece. He probably was asleep though, but then I remembered it wouldn't matter since he was a vampire.

I explained to Ezra that she wouldn't have to drink human blood, but instead could drink animal blood. She said she would try it, so I pulled out my phone and dialed Stefan's number.

Stefan's POV

It was a quarter till 10 when my phone started ringing. I wasn't expecting a phone call this late especially since I had school in the morning. I realized that that's something else Jaxon will have to get used to: seeing his uncle in school.

I decided I'd answer it seeing as it was someone I knew. Why Klaus would be calling me I had no clue.

I hit the answer button and brought it up to my ear. Figuring that it might've woken up Damon and maybe Jaxon putting it on speaker wouldn't matter since they'd hear it anyway.

"Hello?" My voice was a bit raspy from relentless nights not sleeping. You would think that being a vampire would make it easy to stay up every night, but unfortunately it's not.

"Stefan, I need a favor. Ezra hasn't had any blood since she arrived and she isn't wanting human blood. I just thought maybe you'd be willing to offer some of your animal blood. If you need something in return name your price. My niece just needs blood as quickly as possible."

Klaus seemed frantic which made me eager to help. The two of us might not be best friends, but we're acquaintances and that's good enough for me.

"She can have as much as she wants. If you're ok with it I can teach her how to hunt when I teach Jaxon." I was already out of bed and heading down to the cellar when Klaus all but agreed to my offer. I informed him that I would bring the blood right away, but asked if there was a place he wanted to meet.

"Come to the alley by the Mystic Grill. We'll be here." Klaus then hung up and I got back to work gathering as many blood bags as I could.

Klaus' POV

It was just a couple minutes when Stefan showed up. Since most of the people in town were at home it was much easier for us vampires to vamp around.

I had thanked Stefan profusely making sure he knew how much this meant to me.

He told me it was no big deal and was glad to help. So, without any further delay I grabbed a blood bag and tore it open letting it linger under Ezra's nose.

A few seconds later it was drained completely and my niece was already looking much better. Her eyes were more relaxed and her skin was back to its fair complexion.

I couldn't help but grin at the fact that she had a small smile on her face.

Throughout the entire evening she had not shown one smile, but now she allowed it to grace her features. And I was the first person who got to see it.

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