The Talk: Vamp Edition

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Scene 25: The Talk: Salvatore Edition

Damon nervously began to explain what a mate is to a vampire.

Jaxon sat rigid in his seat the entire time and only grew more stressed when his father explained the process of 'marking'.

He didn't want to hurt Ezra. Especially not with his fangs.

Then, Damon got to the part about the 'bond'.

Jaxon learned that once him and Ezra were essentially connected, meaning they completed the 'mating process', which was totally freaking him out, then they would be able to feel each others pain and know if one of them was hurt or not.

By the end of Damon's explanation he asked Jaxon if he had any questions. Jaxon wasn't going to lie. He did have one thought he needed answered. So, he summoned the courage and spit it out.

"I-is there a t-time limit for the m-mating process?" Jaxon cursed himself for stuttering. He was practically sweating bullets from all the nerves this conversation had caused.

Damon felt the urge to comfort his son. He knew this was a lot to take in. So, he got up from his seat and moved over to the couch where his son was shaking like a leaf.

"It's alright, Jaxon. I know this is a lot to take in. Fortunately, there is not a time limit associated with the mating process. I don't want you to worry about it, though. You two don't need to even think about it. Your relationship hasn't been going on long enough for you two to do any of that yet." Damon pulled his son into his arms and gave him a gentle kiss on the head.

"I love you, Jaxon." Damon whispered as he kept a strong hold on his child.

"I love you too, dad." Jaxon murmured back as he leaned into his father's side desperate for the comfort Damon was providing.

Scene 26: The Talk: Mikaelson Edition

Eljah's POV

It had to have been a miracle when Damon Salvatore showed up and apologized to me. We agreed to never speak about it again, and we ended up being sort of acquaintances like our brothers. This left me with only one more chore. To give my daughter the talk.

3rd Person POV

Elijah took a moment to gather his thoughts and calm down. Once he thought he was ready he called for his daughter to come downstairs.

Ezra knew of the discussions that had been going on between her dad and Uncle Klaus. She didn't worry too much about what had been said. However, she did start to worry when her father began to explain to her about 'mates'.

Ezra's POV

As soon as I had a clear understanding on what 'mates' are my dad began to dive deeper with the topic. I'm not gonna lie. The conversation was making me a bit uncomfortable.

Elijah's POV

I could tell that this was making my daughter fidgety. But despite that, she needed to know what was eventually going to happen. She only started to get restless when I began to talk about 'mating'. I knew the reason she was uncomfortable, but I didn't pay much attention to how it affected her.

The conversation though was almost over. I just needed to know if she had any questions.

Ezra's POV

When my dad finished talking once he asked me if I had any questions I didn't quite know what to say.

There weren't any particular thoughts that came to mind. Until, I had a realization.

"I can't have kids."

3rd Person POV

Elijah completely forgot how his daughter had come from a different world when she evolved. A world where she wasn't a vampire.

Elijah's POV

Ezra's realization made me want to break down. The only reason why I was ever able to have a child was because Tatia was human. Same way with Damon. Katherine was human when Jaxon was born.

At this moment all I felt I could do was apologize.

"I'm so sorry, Ezra." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, but that's not what she settled for.

Ezra's POV

When my dad said he was sorry I couldn't help but feel powerless. He reached over and grabbed my hand, giving it a light squeeze, but I wasn't gonna settle for that.

I leaped up and tackled him in a tight hug. I made sure to tell him that it wasn't his fault, but he refused to believe it.

He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and then wound his arms back around me. I never felt more secure than I did in that moment.

"I just want you to be happy." Dad mumbled in my ear.

"Does that mean Jaxon's my mate?" I know that my heart isn't supposed to beat, but for a few seconds it felt like it was beating a mile a minute.

Dad whispered a quick yes, and I couldn't help but smile. Who knew this would be how my life ended up? I felt so grateful that Jaxon and I discovered the portal in the first place. Because if we hadn't then I would never have felt true happiness.

This is my life now.

This is my destiny.

I am the Mikaelson Evolution.

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