Family Conquest

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Scene 17: An Uncle's Defeat

Ezra's POV

When Uncle Klaus came into my room that night instead of dad I was baffled.

I wasn't sure what was going on. I became even more perplexed when he sat on my bed and hugged me.

I only started to worry when I could feel my shirt getting damp.

I untangled myself from the 1000 year old Hybrid I had grown to love and gave him a look that meant to say 'what's wrong'. He took it as I was worried which I was, but only cried more. He then raced out of the room as well as the house leaving me in an utter state of shock and bewilderment.

I didn't have a clue what was bothering my uncle.

I realized the situation wouldn't allow me to fall asleep, so I hopped out of bed and padded over to my dresser.

I pulled a shirt on over my head and threw on some shorts and sandals. I didn't care what my hair looked like nor if I had bags under my eyes or not.

At the moment, all I was concerned about was finding my uncle.

Klaus' POV

I couldn't let her know.

I couldn't let Ezra know that Jaxon was her mate.

It's funny how Elijah thinks Kol is the more protective uncle, but turns out I'm pretty protective as well.

Which gives me a reason to hide this information.

The only way she'll ever know is if she finds out herself.

I had contemplated the idea of compelling Jaxon to forget about my niece, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do that. It would hurt Ezra as well as damage the familial bond we had built.

I couldn't do that to her.

I thought it over some more until I came to a realization.

If mate bonds are broken it can cause death.

That means Ezra and Jaxon can't be apart.

You would think that being an Original could stop that death from happening, and you'd be right. It would. But I knew that the pain Ezra would go through from losing Jaxon would be too much for her. She would kill herself.

As much as I'm afraid of losing my niece, I would never wish her harm nor death. So, I told myself to get over it.

I decided I would allow my niece and Jaxon to be together.

Because I wanted her to be happy, and being with your mate does just that.

I just hoped Damon wouldn't do anything drastic, and finally come to his senses about how his son really feels about Ezra.

Scene 18: A Niece's Fall

Ezra's POV

From what I remembered about my abilities I knew I had enhanced senses. This gave me the opportunity to find my uncle much faster by using my sense of smell to follow his scent.

This task fortunately didn't take long because I soon found Uncle Klaus sitting under a tree.

His eyes were still red from crying, but other than that he seemed ok.

I strolled over to his left side and sat down.

I was about to ask if he was alright, but he started talking before I had the chance.

I ended up only hearing two words 'protect' and 'Jaxon'. This made me start to panic a little because from what I heard it sounded like Jaxon was hurt.

I frantically interrupted my uncle to ask him if something happened to Jaxon, but he told me nothing happened and that he was fine.

Hearing this allowed me to calm down. I don't know what I would do if Jaxon got hurt.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Uncle Klaus irritatedly asked, "Did you hear anything I just said?"

For a second I thought he would get upset if I said no, but I ended up being honest with him.

He then repeated what he said before, and I honestly didn't know what was happening.

The world seemed to just stop, kind of like when I first got here and met my family. This time, though, it felt much more surreal.

For a minute I had the overwhelming urge to find Jaxon right then and there. Then something my uncle said made me break down for the second time that week.

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