Fixing What's Broken

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Scene 19: Seeking a Father's Affection

Klaus' POV

When Ezra started breaking down I immediately rushed both of us home. I had no idea what caused her to get upset like this, but my heart was telling me to get her home.

To get her to Elijah.

I knew that he found out what happened. I just needed to be patient until someone could fill me in.

Once we made it back to the Mansion I called out my brother's name. He was there in a flash.

"What happened?! What did you say?!" Elijah's question irked me. The fact that he would think I did something to cause my niece this much distress bothered me beyond belief.

I didn't allow myself to get angry, though. Instead, I explained everything that happened. Then he took Ezra and rushed upstairs.

Elijah's POV

I knew exactly why she broke down the second after Niklaus told me what happened.

Please don't leave me.

The one line that had a direct connection to Ezra and her past.

The reason why Niklaus had said it didn't seem to matter to me at the moment.

What was more important was getting my daughter to calm down.

Ezra's POV

When my dad had grabbed me I started hyperventilating.

Nothing I did was working. Counting to 10 was useless, thinking happy thoughts was useless. So, I relied on my father to talk to me and comfort me by using his voice and loving touches.

He brought me to his room which was a change from our normal routine, but I didn't mind it. The thing I did mind was how my father was at a standstill. He didn't seem to know what to do.

So, I bottled up as much courage as I could and showed him what I wanted.

If it wasn't obvious to him before it hopefully would be now.

I had been starved from a father's affection for so long that that's what it would take for me to be alright.

I just needed him to know and understand.

Elijah's POV

I didn't know what I could do to help her. I knew what to do before, but this time just felt different to me.

I thought it might be because my brother caused Ezra to break down, so my mind was thinking that my brother should be the one to fix it.

Ezra was clearly agitated that she couldn't get her breathing under control, so I did what I thought was best. I went to get Niklaus.

Klaus' POV

Elijah had told me that he wanted me to calm down Ezra. When I asked why he said it's because I had caused her breakdown.

I honestly didn't think that I would be able to help her at all.

Because I knew that the only person truly capable of helping my niece is Elijah himself.

Scene 20: A Daughter in Agony

Ezra's POV

Not a lot of people understand the pain that's caused when you've been abandoned by a parent. Especially, when it's happened twice.

I didn't realize it would hurt this much the second time around.

My heart feels like it's being torn from my chest repeatedly and my eyes have not stopped shedding tears since he walked out the door.

He left me.

My father left me.

Dad left me.

I felt like screaming, but the lack of oxygen in my body was preventing me from doing so.

It wasn't until Uncle Klaus walked in that I realized I was truly abandoned.

Klaus' POV

When I stepped foot inside Elijah's bedroom I could feel all the emotions that Ezra was portraying.

The one that really hit me hard was rejection.

She thought Elijah abandoned her. She thought that he didn't love her.

I've never been more angry at my brother than I am right now.

How could he just step aside like that and tell me to handle it?! This was his daughter for crying out loud!

I realized that I needed to do something. I couldn't just let my niece suffer like this alone.

I quickly raced out of the room and grabbed Kol and Rebekah. I knew that Ezra needed reassurance. So, if she had her aunt and two uncles with her then she should be fine, right?

It was horrible how Elijah neglected to tell Kol and Rebekah what was happening. I would've done it, but Elijah had distracted me with his request to help his daughter.

Once I managed to fill both my siblings in on what happened we all rushed back to Elijah's room where Ezra seemed to be fast asleep.

"Do you know where Elijah even went?" Kol asked slightly agitated.

"No. I don't. The worse part is that Ezra thinks he rejected her. That he doesn't care about her anymore."

Rebekah rushed over to the side of the bed where Ezra was laying and snuggled up against her letting her know she was there.

Kol eventually slid in on the other side of Ezra and I laid down at her feet. She needed to know that she still had family that loved her. Because she did.

"Kol, Rebekah and I will always love you, Ezra. That is the honest truth."

3rd Person POV

The three siblings eventually all fell asleep snuggled up close to their little miracle.

It wasn't until Elijah came back and saw them all in his bed that he knew he had messed up.

He decided from that moment on that he would never abandon his daughter in her time of need ever again.

Elijah allowed one tear to escape before he whispered, "I'm so sorry, little one."

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