« Just talking »

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Aw hi again , does this cough your attention , oh well so my attention as well, anyway , guess we both want to know what happening hehe ...

10:00 pm
Template:..... pale ... this isn't funny ... come out whenever you're hiding......
The creator was lost in his thoughts, he feared that something happened to him , since Pale is no longer capable of feeling, he might get in trouble easily.... however that was a small thought, the main Idea was that an emotionless creature is roaming around , looking for the bright colors  he need to feel again , yep ... totally negative but... still make since....
Or does it ? Template suddenly recalled that his duty provide him the ability to feel the danger ... there was nothing .... everything was fine ......
Template:... why now, why me.... why you .....
And there it is again , the second knock on the door today .This time it was Template who opened the door to suddenly all of his thoughts to disappear just by looking who was in the other side .... basically, it was Pale, it was just him but a bit colder since he's out of compassion now ....
The tallest was just quiet.... that was awkward.... but it's seems his worries were for nothing .... It was so silent until the blank one started talking : can I pass-
Pass ?PASS ! , the guardian snapped, where the hell were you , you are just getting on my nerve every day that pass...
*sight* anyway let me give you ink's vial and talk about it later...
After all of this , Pale was just standing there, didn't pay or show any worth to the older words ... there was no use to argue... so he did what he can do best and pass Template by pushing him...and then walking away to his room .
What the hell ? , those were the three words that Template found best to describe what had happened.
Template :.... is there something Pale .... we can talk about it-, the protector spoke with a low tone as he witnessed the other getting out of his room ,what has changed ,the question was on Template mind till he noticed the fading ribbon around the smallest' arm. Yep nothing of big deal , he was only looking for the « most » important thing to him.
As Pale was walking avoiding the heck out of the Creator Intire existence, he started the talk this time.
Hey ! Where are you going , why are you avoiding me ? Talk to me ! Template shouted.
Can you really blame him ? Isn't what happening strange to you ? But two words were the best to answer everything satisfyingly, as the Blank said :

« I'm leaving... ».

10:36 pm

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