Well was that even surprising ?

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Oh hi there... hehe ....sorry , kinda have problems and what I mean by that that my parents took meh phone away ,....and they still having it but I find my way with meh old computer , and now let us proceed >=) !

yeah just to keep you alive with the events , Pale needed Template to give him the vials , Template was busy impressing his idol , now Pale is leaving and that's totally not because Template did not care about him .AnYwaY , let's continue for real ,

Template :....... Pale....I will be honest with you, I'm not the type who can hold his emotions to stay calm, why don't we-

Pale : no worries Template , I totally get it .... I'm quiet a heavy thing for you to hold and take responsibility over it ....... so I MUST leave , ain't that right.

Template : What are you talking about , you are not-

Pale : yes I am and you don't have to deny facts Template, I don't know why aren't happy about it , oh wait it's because you're afraid that I will destroy the AUs right , that I'm going in your way of impressing your own idol right ? The blank's eyes turned into a pitch black while he used spreading out these last words from his mouth. Hahaha , how hilarouis , but unfortunately , you are right hehehe.........

Template was literally out of words , however , as he stated before ,he really can't keep himself calm as he went shouting : PALE WHAT THE LITERAL FRICK I'M SICK OF YOU SICK OF THIS ATTITUDE SIck of .....

Yep he just stopped talking as he see the black ink coming out of  Pale's mouth ... .while the other one is just smiling , The creator was terrified , what did happened when he wasn't with Pale, clearly not something good...

Pale : ohhh will you just keep glaring at me, how RiD-ICloUs ,This last wasn't able to talk properly thanks to all black ink coming from his mout and yet from his eyes, I'm DONe hERe ANy-WAy ...

Pale was turning his back on Template who was in shock , the protector decided for once to rethink what had just happened before commiting the act, but he couldn't help it .He grabbed Pale's arm forcily so he couldn't go anywhere.

Template : What had happened ?

Pale : GEt A-waY , FRIC_KINg IdiOT.

Template : What. had. happend . to. you. Pale .

Pale :........

Literally no answer ,the truth must be told, Template is usually the stubborn when it comes to arguments , even more than Ink. And now the other one becomes stubborn too.... yeah of course there will be no answe, or will there be ...

As much as I was rumbling to you guys about their attitude, Template noticed a black , really pitch black spot in Pale's coat , and when Template put his hand to see what was in there ...

Template :........... Pale....... what have you done to yourself where did you even found that ...

Pale : oH GRE-At you FOUnD OUt b-Ut I Ain'T TEL_LinG ANy cRAP You PATHetIC EXCusE oF A ProTEC_tor.

Template : I don't need any fights and stop wasting time , where in the world would you find a FRICKING BLACK VIAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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