Swap?Dream Files ( Part 02 )

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Just another file to describe the new characters =) :

none of those belong to me , they were just scatered stories I found them =p :

When Pale came with SD!Dream , this last one introduce to him three people : they are called the pshycopath trio 

Dusttrust Blue : just like desbelief Papyrus from undertale but Dust edition , however unlike anyone from before , he manage to beat the human , even thou he die at the end when he passed the Barrier and get to the surface , he just made  a Reset , after all he beated the human, got determination , and Chara didn't bother to do a genocide route again becuz they are no longer the owner of their world,Dusttrust Blue is the only version that Pacifist!Dust couldn't stop , after all , he didn't expect from Blue to be the one who killed his brother , it was totally a new experience for him , he surely now prevented so many other like outer swap , fell swap ..etc , but he is still feeling guilty for leaving Blue going insane ... even thou Pacifist!Dust tell him so many times that the player behind the fourth can not be physically beated , Blue do not bother to listen , and not just that dust phantom swap papyrus is pushing Blue to continue on his new way.

Horror!Lust : just like there was a Horror Sans , there will be another Horror of other AUs right , so what's the different ? well it's in his name , the world lust mean being attached to something so badly , and Horror!Lust is attached to killing more then any other version of Horror , and that thanks to Chara's soul inffluence , when Chara was alive she had lust for blood , for killing , and nothing you can do to stop this, when she died her soul influence all the underground , if Horror Classic is doing this for the sake of his brother and his life , Horror!Lust is doing it becuz it's funny , becuz , just like their Chara, he has Lust for Blood .Apparently ,Horror!Lust is the only insane horrific version of a sans that refused to give up on killing.

Genocida!Frisk : Funny enough what you should that she is the original Frisk of Killer!tale , after at the very beginning when Killer sans teamed up with Chara , he made a Reset when Frisk couldn't go back to her timeline and created a new instead , however , this one was guide by Flowey who thought that Frisk might have an amnesia from the Reseting , by instead of being a bull crap  to her, he guide to the pacifist way slowly and tried his best to not bring anything about fighting ....and like this they finished this route .... after a while ..... they met up with the new and improved pacifist!Killer/Kai and Chara and then "insert the description of Pacifist!Killer/Kai from Swap?Dream files part 01" , now the original Killer!Frisk was stuck in the void , till she met up with The player , it was really weird to meet up with the player in a such a reality but they both come an agreement when they both saw how much they wanted for this world to disappear. together they made their escape and went on a killing spree (does that sound familiar ?)

AI Geno Player : in the original multiverse a pacifist player made his way to undertale but in swap?Dream .... not a friendly one appeared , he wanted to kill all the AUs to prove himself , however he was send by the great power of SD?Fate and SD?Destiny  to the void ... in his real life this person is doomed to be in coma forever till his body will go to waste ..... In the void he met with the OG Killer Frisk and seeing how both become blind by the idea of vengance ... the Player hacked throu the system and allows Frisk to escape and he become a following Ghost along her side just like Chara did .

How they becomes the Pshycopath trio : 

Well Frisk was searching for a Boss to fight ,she stumped into Dusttrust!Blue but he was already fighting Horror!Lust , Frisk was be : that's meh kill now >=) ! and Horror!Lust was like : try me then >:9 !and dusttrust!Blue was : omg people are fighting on who is gonna kill me I'm not that weak :<, after a lot of screaming they both shared their stories and omg the smilarities , they all hate Pacifist!Trio and AI was : hey why don't you get along to kill them and then you can continue fighting , and they become best friends => .

How did they met SD!Dream : well EZ .

Dusttrust and Genocidal!Frisk were fighting , SD!Dream was be like : you are both cool , but why don't we kill each other after we make sure nobody else is alive , and they were like ok , after Genocidal!Frisk said that there is another one so he they went to pick him "speaking of Horror!Lust" , at the beginning he was like HECK NO but then the others two said since we are besties we suffer together so he had no choice ;( .

The EnD =P.

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