Chapter 3: The Royal Visit

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Hunerd, Ork, Fahari and Jiona go outside the lair

Hunerd: Well, seems like we have travelers. 

Ork: Looks like it's Kion's father. I've been spying even since I was plotting my demise! 

Hunerd: Looks like someone really wants to kill him.

Ork: He sent my big brother away! He was my life! 

Hunerd gets annoyed by her and tells her about his life. Hunerd tells her about what revenge really means. Glory. Later, at the Tree of Life, Kion and Rani were greeting Simba and Nala. Kion was mostly excited since he hasn't seen them in a while

Kion: Nice to have you 2 pop visit. It's been a while. 

Nala: You can say that again son. 

Simba: Yes, how were things here. 

Kion: Peaceful, except we are dealing with a new leopard threat. Remember that leopard I told you about? 

Simba: Makucha? 

Kion: Yes, the new leopard here is Makucha's sister, Ork. Rani got captured by her once. 

Simba: Are you okay, your majesty? 

Rani: Yeah, I'm fine. Me and Kion are really working on her. 

Simba: I'm sure you guys can handle her. Like you handled other threats. 

Bunga: Well, gotta hand it you. You sure raised him well.

Simba: Thanks Bunga. You know if it wasn't for Scar, you 2 wouldn't have been together. 

Kion: Dad... 

Kion's face starts to turn red

Nala: He meant that as a joke. 

Kion: I know, it's just a little embarrassing sometimes. 

Rani: Oh, Kion. 

Fuli: Well, should we go on patrol? 

Kion: You take the lead today Fuli. I'm gonna take my parents on a tour. Would you guys like to? 

Simba: Sure thing Kion. 

Nala: I... think I need to rest. 

Kion: Mom... 

Nala: No, really. I'm tried. 

Rani: Boy, you remind me of my little brother. 

Baliyo: I heard that! 

Surak: C'mon Baliyo. Let's get some rest. Been a long night. 

Surak, Nirmala, and Baliyo go take their rest while Kion takes his father on the tour of the Tree of Life. Bunga asks to join and Kion approves. Rani and Nala go inside the Tree. Nala was so impressed 

Nala: Wow, nice lair you have here. 

Rani: Thank you, Queen Nala. You know, too bad Kiara and Kovu didn't come this time. 

Nala: Kovu said that he and Kiara should rule the Pridelands while we're gone. It might give them more practice to rule. Luckily Rafiki is helping them. 

Rani: Well, at you have your daughter staying forever. If she visits, I wanna teach her what I know. 

Nala: Great idea. You and Kion can also come visit us sometime. 

Rani: We will. 

Kion, Simba and Bunga were all chatting about how things been lately. Suddenly, Ullu pops by and tells them that Ork is in the Tree of Life causing a fire near the mountain pass along with Fahari, Jiona and a strange lion (who is Hunerd). They quickly meet up with the Rest of the Night Pride, Simba and Nala help them face of this fire. 

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