Chapter 10: Hunerd's Revenge (Part 2)

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Later with Hunerd and Ork, they take her to a cage

Rani: Alright! What do you want? 

Hunerd: I'm here to torture you! When Kion gets here! I'll destroy you and the Night Pride! 

Rani: Ha! There's no way you stand a chance against us! 

Ork: Oh, well. In case you haven't guessed! Me and Hunerd are gonna gather an army, kill you all, and take over the Tree of Life.

Hunerd: How simple is that? 

Rani: Oh, you won't get away with this! Kion will save me! 

Hunerd: Oh, we'll see about that!

Later, Kion and his team manage to find Hunerd's lair

Surak: Wow... 

Kion: Hevi kabisa! I never seen a lair like this before! 

Janja: Oh, c'mon Kion! You've been to my lair before! 

Vitani: Oh, yeah! Should've seen my mothers lair! It was better! 

Janja: Mine was! 

Vitani: No mine-

Kion: Shut up! Both you of! 

Fuli: We need to save Rani, and neither are you are helping! 

Janja: Sorry... 

Vitani: Yeah, sorry. 

They go inside the lair

Ook: Wow, this looks pretty dark! 

Janja: You said it bro! 

Bunga: I thought your lair was creepy. No offense. (he was saying that to Janja)

Janja: Ehh, non taken I guess. 

Vitani: I feel a lot better going in if Nirmala, Baliyo, Kiara or Kovu are with us. 

Kion: I see what you mean. I just want Kiara safe. 

Vitani: So do I. 

Ono: Well, I wonder which way these tunnels. 

Beshte: Poa. 

Kion: Right there with you Beshte! 

Janja: Which way do we go? 

Kion: We should split up. 

Vitani: What? 

Kion: I know, we'll get lost! But there's only 2 tunnels. Me, you, Surak, Bunga, Fuli and Ono will take this tunnel. The rest of you will go through this tunnel. 

Vitani: Okay, you're the king. 

They all split up, later with Hunerd, he gets informed by Ork that Kion is coming

Hunerd: Hehehe, soon I'll have you both captured! 

Rani: Kion saved me before! He can do it again! 

Hunerd: Oh, you'll see! He can't win! 

Ork: Once you 2 are out of the way! Say goodbye to your valley! 

Now Rani begins to worry, later with Kion, Vitani, Surak, Bunga, Fuli and Ono, they run with the rest of the team and confussed

Fuli: Seriously? They lead the same direction? 

Anga: That was unexpected! 

Ook: I know right! 

Janja: Lets keep it moving! 

Kion: Alright! 

They continue walking, Kion is still worried about what's gonna happen. Vitani keeps telling him that everything will be fine but no matter what, Kion keeps on worrying

Vitani: Well, Kiara was worried about Kovu when we were traveling to the Tree of Life. But everything was fine. So I'm certain that Rani will be too. 

Kion: Well, okay. Thanks Vitani, I needed that. 

Beshte: Hopefully we can stop Hunerd too. 

Then they run finally run into Hunerd and Ork. They have Rani trapped

Hunerd: Ah, Kion! Good to see that you've managed to find us! 

Kion: Oh please! Nothing can stop us! Right guys? 

Vitani: That's right! 

Bunga: Defiantly! 

Hunerd: Well, now. Good work! But it's now you fight me! 

Kion: Don't worry Rani! I'll save you! 

Rani: Be careful! 

Hunerd and Kion battle to the death, Vitani also gets Rani out of the cage. Hunerd tries to kill Kion, but eventually, Kion manages to win. Hunerd tries to get him again! But the lair begins to collaps. Kion, Rani, and the rest of team esacape the lair and then the lair collapse. Kion begins to think that Hunerd and Ork are dead but soon they were proved wrong

Hunerd: You thought this was over? Well, it's not! I will not rest until I destroy you all! 

Ork: C'mon! Let's go boss! 

Hunerd and Ork leave, then Kion and the team return home safe. Kiara and Baliyo we're relived that their siblings were okay. Rani asked Baliyo if he's alright, as Kion told her what happen. Nirmala also informs that Fahari, Jiona, Korge and Maylio escaped. Kion decides to head up to Chikia Escartment to tell Askari about what happen

Kion: Askari? 

Askari appears from the clouds

Askari: Greetings Kion! 

Kion: The Tree of Life is in grave danger. I almost got killed trying to defeat Hunerd today. Hunerd is an evil lion who killed Rani's parents and wanted to take over the Tree of Life. 

Askari: Oh dear, that does sound bad. 

Kion: Is there something from my roar that can help me defeat Hunerd? 

Askari: Oh there. You wanna know? 

Kion: Yes, I really do. 

Askari: Then you're ready! 

Kion: Ready for what? 

Askari: To learn about the lightning strike roar. 

Kion: Is this a different lightning strike? 

Askari: Very, different. 

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