Chapter 6: The Great Rainfall

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Kion and Rani were just waking up, Makini wished them good morning. Then, The Lion Guard come in


Fuli: Bunga! Did you really had to yell like that? 

Kion: Morning Bunga, how was your night with Binga? 

Bunga: Hey! Not so loud! 

Kion: Well, don't yell so loud in my-- I mean our, lair. 

Rani giggles

Ono: So, do you and Binga kiss and make out? 

Bunga: Shut up! I bet you and Anga do that too. 

Anga: What? Eww!

Ono: Yeah, me and Anga aren't dating! She's just like a big sister to me!

Fuli: Same goes with me and Kion. We don't date either. I'm already dating Azaad. 

Rani: Well, we gotta go outside, I need to tell everyone about the Great Rainfall. 

Everyone goes outside and Rani tells the residence about the Great Rainfall that's coming. It made everyone start to panic, but Kion and Rani calms everyone down, Pinguino tells Kion to make the rain go away but Kion knows that Rain is part of the Circle of Life. Pinguino goes back to his Ice Slide

Rani: We just gotta be careful. This rain is gonna be big. More thunder, so be careful. Baliyo, if you wanna come sleep in the Tree with me and Kion, it will be fine. 

Baliyo: Thanks Rani, your the best Older Sister any bro can ask for.

Baliyo and Rani nuzzle each other. Surak and Nirmala go to the Tree as well

Kion: Is he... 

Rani: Yeah, but now when I'm around. 
(Let's just say Baliyo's afriad of thunderstorms, such as the Great Rainfall)

Bunga goes with Binga to find a great hiding place. They hide in a hole

Bunga: Think this looks great? 

Binga: Yeah, man you're a great hider. 

Bunga: When me and Kion were cubs, we use to play hide and seek. I was the best hider. 

Binga: You 2 must really had some fun. 

Bunga: Yeah... but you know. (he sits down) ever since Kion and Rani hung out, he's been speending more time with her and less time with me. 

Binga: Wow... isn't he the king? 

Bunga: Yeah, but now that we're not the Lion Guard anymore, we haven't been doing stuff we use to. I know we're growing up, but... forget it. 

Binga: Oh, Bunga, I'll always have time for you. 

She kisses his cheek, causing Bunga to blush

Bunga: Aw... 

Later, back at the Tree. The rain was pulling in. Baliyo was getting terrified. Rani lays down next to him and puts her paw around his back comforting her brother

Kion: Good thing he has an older sister like you. You 2 really remind me of me and Kiara. She really was there for me when I get scared. 

Rani: Yeah, I hope she visits someday. 

Kion: Me too. Speaking of which, we should visit the Pridelands. I can show you a lot there. 

Rani: Good idea. 

The Rani starts pulling in and  the thunder too. Baliyo has gotten pretty scared. But he knew his sister was there to protect him. The 2 siblings fall asleep together

Surak: You know, her father did the same thing to me when we were their age. He and I really bonded very well. 

Kion: I bet losing him was pretty hard, huh? 

Surak: Yes... it was. 

Back with Bunga and Binga, they we talking about the things that have been in the Tree of Life, Bunga tells her that Hunerd is get revenge on Rani

Binga: Oh Bunga. Kion can handle Hunerd. 

Bunga: Yeah, I know. It's too bad Timon and Pumbaa never met you. 

Binga: Your adoptive uncles? 

Bunga: Yes. They really like you. 

Binga: You think so? 

Bunga: Yeah. 

Bunga and Binga lean on each other and fall asleep. 2 hours later, the storm has passed and everything was safe. Later, with Hunerd

Hunerd: You know Ork, once I take over the Tree of Life. There will be no more of healing the animals. No one will be safe anymore. 

Ork: I just can't wait to take over their home! I will eat everything! 

Hunerd: Yes you will. Now, when the time comes. We will be ready to take on what's ours! 

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