Chapter 8: A Stuck Brother

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Kion and Kiara begin to start waking up from their nap

Kion: Well, that was a good nap. 

Kiara: Yeah, it sure was. 

Ullu: Kion! Kion! 

Kion: Ullu, what's wrong? 

Ullu: Baliyo is stuck in a hole! 

Kion: Baliyo? 

Ullu: Yes, he needs help! 

Kion: Sorry Kiara, I gotta go. 

Kiara: It's alright, you go help her brother. 

Kion: Where is this hole? 

Ullu: Follow me! 

Ullu takes Kion to the hole, where Rani and Surak were, Nirmala and the ex-Lion Guard are at the tree healing Janja and Kovu

Kion: What happen? 

Rani: My brother fell in this hole.

Kion: Let me guess, Baliyo was reckless and fell in?

Rani: No, this hole wasn't here yesterday. 

Kion: I'll get him out. (he goes to the hole) Baliyo! Are you in here? 

Baliyo: Kion! Thank goodness you're here! 

Kion: Don't worry, I'll get you out! Just grab my paw. 

Baliyo tries to grab Kion's paw but can't reach

Baliyo: I can't reach. 

Rani: Should we try something else. 

Baliyo: Why not get Bunga. 

Kion: Yeah, I think he'll just come down here. 

Baliyo: Oh, then we both be stuck. 

Rani: What do we do now? 

Kion: Maybe, we can- no, that's bad. Or we could-- no... no! What should I do? 

Baliyo: Use the roar Kion! You can blast me out! 

Surak: Baliyo! Do you remember when you were literally first roared at! 

Baliyo: Oh... right. I could get hurt. 

Kion: Don't worry. Maybe I could get a vine. Any idea where I can get one. 

Rani: Follow me! 

After they got a vine

Kion: Here you go Baliyo, now we can pull you out. 

Baliyo: Thanks Kion. 

Rani and Kion toss the vine down and use it to get Baliyo out, then Baliyo is out

Baliyo: Thanks guys. 

Rani nuzzles her brother, then Kion just sees Kiara in danger and goes over to save her. Ork tries to capture Kiara but thankfully Kion stops her in time, then Ork retreats

Kion: Are you alright? 

Kiara: I'm fine. Thanks Kion. 

Kion: Just doing my job. 

Kiara: Was that one of your new enemies? 

Kion: Yeah, she works for Hunerd. 

Rani: Speaking of that guy, we must find a way to stop him! 

Kion: Right!

They all head back to the Tree to check on Kovu. Later with Hunerd, he is very angry with Ork cause  she messed up

Hunerd: Great! You've ruined our plans! 

Ork: It wasn't my fault! Kion- 

Hunerd: Silence! Forget Kiara! We have bigger plans! Queen Janna's legacy will end very soon. I can feel it! We'll conquer the Tree of Life soon! I know it!

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