Chapter 12: Kion's Day Off

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Kion and Rani woke up from their sleep and go over to greet the Night Pride, Vitani, Janja and Jasiri. Azaad was also with Fuli talking about having cubs. Rani thinks that they're a bit too young too have cubs. Kion agrees

Kion: Rani? 

Rani: Yes, Kion? 

Kion: Askari says I should take a day off? Would it be fine with you? 

Rani: Sure thing. Now I think I'm gonna join you. 

Makini: What a great idea Kion! 

Bunga: Yeah, you've been through enough already. 

Kion: Yeah, but Hunerd could still strike anytime. 

Vitani: Relax, Kion. I'll take care of everything. 

Fuli: Actually, I should take the lead. I always do when Kion is taking a day off. 

Vitani: But Hunerd is a big threat. I know because I've seen him attack a bunch of times. 

Fuli: Oh, please. I could do better. 

Rani: Fuli, we could take our chances. 

Kion: She's right. Vitani, you can take the lead. You are leader of you're Lion Guard back in the Pridelands, so you may lead mine. 

Vitani: Thank you Kion. 

Baliyo: I'll join you too Kion. 

Bunga: Yeah. So will I. I wanna take a break. 

Kion: Ullu? 

Ullu: Yes you're majesties? 

Rani: We're gonna be on break today. Just letting you know. 

Surak: I'll take charge of the Tree of Life while you're taking a day off. 

Kion: You sure. 

Surak: Yes, and besides, It's not my first time. 

Kion: Wait? What? 

Rani: Oh, when our father was king, when me, Baliyo, Mom and Dad once took a day off out of the Tree of Life. Surak was left in charge. 

Kion: Okay. C'mon guys. 

They all sperate while Kion, Rani, Makini, Baliyo and Bunga leave the Tree of Life to take the the Day Off. Janja and Jasiri come over to join them

Makini: Well, this will be relaxing. 

Baliyo: I like relaxing. This will make the day more fun. I'm in the Night Pride. I sleep in the morning and patrol at night. 

Rani: Yeah, I miss doing those things with you. You know, us, patrolling together, having fun... I wish we could do that more often. 

Baliyo: Me too. 

Kion: What was you're favorite cubhood memories? 

Rani: I think when we raced all over the Tundra. Man, it was pretty cold there. 

Janja: Well, this day off is pretty much a good idea.

Jasiri: I know, at least we can take a break. 

Rani: Do you think the Tree of Life will be alright? 

Kion: I'm sure. But hey, at least nothing can get by us. 

Rani: Yeah. I'm just glad I still have you by my side. (She licks Kion's cheek)

Later at with Hunerd, he and his pride are looking for fire stones. Hunerd plans to use them to take over the Tree of Life

Hunerd: Alright, we got the fire stones? 

Ork: All of them. 

Kenge: Yes, I can't wait to get revenge on that Guard! 

Ork: How will these stones help us? 

Hunerd: They'll give me the power I've always wanted. I would release the Fire King from the Volcano. But I'm not trying to destroy the Tree of Life! I'm only taking it over. I'll ruin Queen Janna's legacy. It will be all over soon. 

Fahari: How will they work? 

Hunerd: I put my paws on one of them. I will work. 

Kenge: Okay. Do it. 

Hunerd: Not until we combine them. 

Ork: Great! We are combining them now! They're so hot and they could burn me!

Hunerd: Oh, shut up! Watch. We use the incantation that will give the power I need. 

Ork: Okay? 

Hunerd: Power of the Fire, combine these stone into a big one! Then give the power I've always wanted. 

The Fire Stones all combine into one stone. Then, Hunerd puts his paw on it and the power comes to him. Later, back with Kion, he was still enjoying his day off

Kion: You know, it is a good day to relax, isn't it? 

Rani: (Sigh) You tell me. 

Kion: I'm just glad Kiara's safe in the Pridelands. I could've put her in bigger danger. I would never forgive myself if I did. 

Rani: I'm glad she's safe too. Fighting Hunerd, is more dangerous right now. 

Baliyo: She'll be fine. She's tough. She fought Zira on her own. 

Kion: Baliyo... I'm not overprotective of her. I'm just doing what's right. 

Janja: Hopefully my-- I mean our clan (turns to Jasiri) will be alright. 

Jasiri: (Giggles)

Bunga: I'm gonna stink up the pond. 

Janja: Wait what? 

Rani: Bung! Don't! 

Bunga stinks up the pond

Everyone: BUNGA! 

Bunga: What? I just felt like doing it. 

Baliyo: (Sigh) Bunga, you're a teenager. 

Kion: Baliyo's right, man, someday you need to grow up. 

Rani: They're right Bunga. 

Bunga: Ugh! Fine! 

Kion: Well, it's getting dark. Let's go home. 

Rani: Agreed. 

They all head back to the Tree of Life. Later, Vitani comes with news

Kion: What is it Vitani? 

Vitani: I just got herd by an animal that Hunerd got power from Fire Stones. 

Everyone gaps

Rani: You mean the legendary Fire Stones that give power to anyone. 

Kion: Oh, I herd legends about those. When I was a cub, my father told me all about those stones. I gave one lion named "Zono Curel" also known as the Fire King powers. He tried to destroy the Circle of Life with those. 

Beshte: And he's more evil than Scar. 

Kion: But now Hunerd. has the Fire Stones. I bet he's using them to take over the Tree of Life. 

Rani: Now that Hunerd has that power, we're all in grave danger. 

Kion: We're done playing by Hunerd games! It's time Hunerd faces us! The greatest team of all! 

Back in the Pridelands, Kiara and Kovu come home. Simba and Nala were so glad to see them. But they wonder where Vitani is. They tell Simba and Nala everything. Then Zazu comes that he got a message from Rafiki saying that Hunerd now has powers from the Fire Stones. Now Kiara was even more worried. Simba decides to go help out Kion in the Tree of Life. Nala suggests that he brings Vitani's Guard with him. Simba decides that he'll bring all the army he can get

Get Ready for the Next Chapter: Power of the Fire Stones. Coming in January 2021. There will be 3 Parts of this chapter. So get ready. 

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