Chapter 4: Cheetah Stalker

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Kion and Rani were strolling around the Tree of Life, noticing a rouge cheetah. Who refuses to leave them alone. The Cheetah's name is Rovn. Rani explains to Kion who Rovn is, he is a cheetah who will annoyingly flirt with an female creature. Later, Fuli was with Azaad were hanging out near the water hole. Then Rovn goes interupt them

Fuli: Uh, hi? 

Rovn: Hi there cutie. 

Fuli: Uh, I have a mate... 

Rovn: Why be with him when you can be with a cheetah like me. 

Azaad: Shut up and leave us alone. 

Rovn: Eh, no. 

Fuli and Azaad get very annoyed as they walk alone. Rovn follows them and refuses to leave.

Fuli: Ugh! Leave us alone!

Azaad: Yeah, you are not her mate. I am. 

Rovn: Why? You 2 don't have a cub. 

Fuli: Well, that's because I'm a teenager. 

Azaad: Yeah, it's been a year. So leave us alone! 

Azaad and Fuli quickly run fast away from him

Rovn: Eh, rude. Oh well, I will be here if you change you mind. 

Later, with Kion and Rani

Kion: So, think we do a good job on this land? 

Rani: Yeah, I'm glad I have you with me to thank for. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I'd do. 

Kion: Aw, your awesome. (Blushes)

Rani: Well, I'm gonna go hang out with my brother. 

Kion: Alright. I'm gonna go see Mom and Dad. 

Rani: Okay, see you tonight. 

Kion and Rani split up, also later with Fuli and Azaad, they were still having fun with each other, Azaad even tells her the time he accidently fell in water. Fuli also laughed as she did the same thing. 

Azaad: I'm glad it's just us now. 

Fuli: Me too. 

Rovn: Hey pretty... 

Azaad: Ugh! I spoke too soon! 

Fuli and Azaad can't get enough with Rovn interrupting, so Azaad decides to confront him

Azaad: Listen you! You stay away from Fuli! She's mine! Not yours! 

Rovn: What are you talking about? 

Azaad: Fuli and I have been together, about a year! So leave us... alone! 

Rovn: No. 

Azaad: Really? 

Rovn: No.

Fuli: Ugh! We need you exiled! 

Fuli and Azaad run off again with Rovn angry, later with Rani and Baliyo, they were talking about Hunerd and how much he has caused them

Rani: You know, I can't believe he's back. 

Baliyo: Don't worry sis, we'll defeat Hunerd. 

Rani: I'm just worried. I don't wanna lose you, Kion, Surak, or anyone. Like we lost mom and dad. 

Baliyo: Hey, no matter what happens, I'll protect you. 

Rani: Isn't it Kion's job? 

Baliyo: Can it be mine too? 

Rani: Heh, it was a joke. 

Rani nuzzles her younger brother. Back with Fuli and Azaad, they we're still being annoyed by Rovn. Rovn still refuses to leave them alone. Fuli and Azaad try to get away, but they can't seem to get a break. 

Azaad: Man, we need to tell King Kion and Queen Rani about this! 

Fuli: Good idea Azaad. Let's go. 

They run off to go get Kion and Rani and tell them about Rovn stalking Fuli. Kion and Rani confront Rovn tells them to leave Fuli and Azaad alone. 

Kion: Don't make me use my roar of the elders! 

Baliyo: You don't wanna get on the wrong side of his roar. Trust me, I know. 

Rovn: Alright fine! But you haven't seen the last of Rovn! 

Rovn leaves and Fuli and Azaad are glad. 

Fuli: Now we can have peace. 

Azaad: I can't agree more Fuli. 

Fuli and Azaad go happily away alone together without Rovn interrupting them

Kion: They really are like us, huh? 

Rani: Yes. Yes they are. 

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