5: dating

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kai, will you go out with me?


all the txt members were sitting in the game room. kai was laying down on the couch almost hanging off it, he was also using on yeonjuns lap as a foot rest. taehyun and beomgyu were playing a racing game on the tv together. and soobin was sitting on the other couch by himself playing random notes on the guitar.

"you do know i'm not a pillow right ning?" yeonjun asked hueningkai playfully, then nudged his foot gently. "yes i do know that but i need affection golden boy." kai said in a playful teasing tone looking up from his phone and at yeonjun.

"but if you want me to hug my stuffed animals instead," kai  said in a fake sad voice. he moved off yeonjun starting to get up but yeonjun quickly grabbed onto his waist, "oh no you don't." causing kai to fall back on yeonjuns lap. kai  gripped yeonjuns dark blue hoodie so he wouldn't fall off his lap.

him and yeonjuns faces were really close to each other. hyuka looked at him in a dazed way, but then he noticed yeonjuns eyes showed something that he only saw with another person, love.  "yeon?" kai whispered softly. they both slowly started leaning in. yeonjun was so close. they both could feel each other's rapid fluttery heartbeat.

before they could close the gap between them yeonjun looked at kai and said something that sent him into a silent state of panic. "kai, will you be my boyfriend?"

"what?" kai said leaning slightly away from yeonjun so you properly see his face. "will you be my boyfriend?" yeonjun repeated in a soft gentle voice.

"i- you- me- boyfriend?" kai said confused as heck.

"yes huening be my boyfriend." yeonjun said scooting closer to him and held his hand.

kai looked down at their hands for a second. it was a odd sight. him holding hands with his best friend. he sighed and looked up at yeonjun. "why?" he simply said. yeonjun knew exactly what he meant though. "all of us always said how soobin was in love with you, but what you didn't know is, i've been in love with you since you saw my scores on the trainee sheet on that bored. i always loved how you danced, how you dressed, how beautiful and unique you looked. but before i could tell you i liked you you walked in and saw soobin and you fell for him instead.

i was always jealous of soobin cause he got to make you smile, make you laugh, make you feel loved. that's why i never really got too close with you cause i was afraid that if i did it would hurt me even more then it already did seeing you and soobin together. i don't know anything about relationships, or loving someone, but i do know i really really like you huening and since you're as clueless about relationships as i am, maybe we could learn together?"

yeonjun held both of kais hands in his own. "just give me one chance, let me love you." kai looked at yeonjun and saw nothing but Sincerity, pure love and adoration in his beautiful eyes. so kai decided to risk his and yeonjun and nodded "ok, i'll be you're boyfriend." then smiled happily.

hueningkai actually thought really did see light shine in yeonjuns eyes. "really?! you will?!" he said in a really excited and hopeful voice. kai thought it was so cute how happy yeonjun was acting. he giggled and nodded again smiling, "yes! i will." suddenly kai was being held in the air and being spun around by yeonjun.

"woah what's happening?" beomgyu asked turning around and seeing kai being spun around by yeonjun who looked like he just won the best prize ever. "yeonjun! put me down please!" kai said his voice now two octaves high meaning he was getting scared. finally yeonjun put hyuka down. he kissed his cheek and said, "sorry kai, got too excited." and laughed nervously.

"kai and i are together!" yeonjun announced happily. "oh my gosh!" taeyun and beomgyu squealed excitedly. "yes! my ship is happening!" beomgyu yelled getting some random confetti and throwing it up in the air.

"i knew it was gonna happen! in every single book i've read the least expected couple end up getting together! now i can start a secret ship account on twitter for you two!" taehyun said excited his eyes looked like a kid that just discovered a toy store.

kai put his head in yeonjuns shoulder to hide his now bright red face. "stop it!" kai whined embarrassed. "wait what about the management company?" taehyun asked. when taehyun said this kai looked up at yeonjun.

"when i told the management i was openly gay they said that i could date and do whatever as long as i never publicly confirmed anything." yeonjun said.

"so we're good as long as we don't publicly confirm anything?" kai asked

yeonjun made a tick noise with his mouth and said, "yeah pretty much."

"oh ok cool with me." kai said nodding. he walked behind yeonjun and hugged his waist and put his chin on his shoulder.

seeing this interaction between yeonkai taehyun and beomgyu screamed fan boying. soobin hearing them scream walked over to all of them to see what was going. "hey what's going o-" soobin stopped his sentence when he saw kais hands wrapped around yeonjun hugging him from behind. seeing this soobin felt his heart drop. it felt like someone just gave him the most painful torture he could ever have. soobin slowly looked at taehyun and beongyu hoping and praying what he thought wasn't true.

"what's going on?" soobin asked carefully. please don't say it, please don't say it soobin pleaded desperately in his head. "me and kai are dating." yeonjun said in a cold tone giving soobin a dirty look. yeonjun then wrapped his arm around kai's shoulder giving it a slightly tight squeeze as if he was saying, "he's mine."

"hueningkai?" soobin said looking over at kai. kai looked at soobin and said , "you broke my heart, i'm hoping my best friend can fix it."

"kai i-"

"don't soobin, there's nothing you can say ok, it's already over between us."

soobin couldn't take the pain he was feeling it was too much to bare. he stormed out of the room and ran into the dance room. he closed and locked the door. he screamed out loudly in anger and pain. he picked up a chair that was in the corner and thew it roughly against the mirrors breaking two of them.

he sat down on the floor and cried into his knees his heart breaking with each tear that he shed.


thank you for reading

hope you enjoyed the chapter

stay safe 💜💙

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