Chapter 1

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A woman named Y/N L/N just entered her house with the last small moving box. The heavy and big ones were already inside, waiting to be unpacked too. She placed the small box on her wooden table that was in the living room. The table was brought inside thanks to men that came to help and they offered still to help to unpack but Y/N politely refused. She was scared that the men might recognize her from the news. No, in fact, the news spreads around thanks to people talking. She was even in the newspaper for goodness sake! The powerful female lawyer tried in fact to burn all the newspapers that she was on so she managed to burn some but yet, many people found out. She was very lucky that her face wasn't on the photo. 

Y/N continued to unpack from the boxes until the small box was over in the living room. She sighed as she opened it and it was the photos of her family and friends. She couldn't help but smile as she looked through the photos. But her smile dropped once she holds a picture of herself and Jean... There was no frame around nor in the album. She sighed with sadness as she puts the picture in her pocket. Same the photo of Jean's family, and even a picture of Jem and one of Scout. She felt more connected with these pictures with her whole heart. 

"I miss you so much, Jean..." She felt tears in her eyes but was shocked and startled when she heard a knock on her door. She quickly pushed her tears down as she walked towards the door. She opened it to reveal a man. Rather a shy one. 

"Good morning, miss," said the man while being polite. He wasn't smiling since he's shy.

Y/N smiled. "Good morning, sir. How can I help you?" She walked down the small wooden stairs to go to the man. She meant of course no harm. 

The man cleared his throat. "I'd like to welcome you to Maycomb and I brought you some firewood."

"Thank you, sir. It's very kind of you. Thank you for the firewood also, I'll definitely need them. My name is Y/N L/N. What's yours?" 

"Walter Cunningham, miss L/N. Aren't you the powerful lawyer from the newspaper?" He asked as he gave Y/N a sack of firewood in it.

Y/N got nervous. She just moved and they're already asking her if she was the powerful lawyer from the news. She was that lawyer of course but she will definitely not reveal herself this soon! "No, Mr. Cunningham. I'm not that lawyer. There are so many women out there that wear my full name as well, except, they look different."

"Hmm, fair point, Mrs. L/N. Please call me Walter."

Y/N smiled. "Then please call me Y/N, Walter. May I join you to explore Maycomb?"


Y/N nodded with a smile as she took the sack inside and placed it somewhere. She then goes back outside and walked towards the wagon where Walter Cunningham was on. He was being a gentleman and helped Y/N on his wagon. He checked Y/N a bit (not like a pervert) and was honestly surprised. "I'm surprised that you wear loose pants, Y/N. I never met a woman wearing pants like you."

Y/N chuckled. "I only wear them when I have days off from work. When I have work, then I make sure that I look alright."

Surprisingly, Mr. Cunningham chuckled. "Fair point. You're a bit different than other women around here."

"So, where are we going?"

"I have to deliver some firewood to Mr. Finch and others."

Y/N was shocked when he said 'Mr. Finch'. "As in Atticus Finch?"

Walter then gave his horse a sign to begin walking. "Yes, him. Do you know him?"

"I was his wife's best friend. Jean Finch. We've been best friends since childhood..." Her voice slowly disappeared since she's sad. 

Mr. Cunningham couldn't help but feel sad too. "The whole town knows, especially here in this street. The respected lawyer lost his wife from a heart attack, leaving him behind with two children, Jem and Scout."

Y/N smiled sadly. "I know them. Jean used to send me letters about her life. She even sent me photos of herself, Atticus, and her children. I have them with me now."

Mr. Cunningham hummed. "Then I'm definitely sure that Atticus will be pleased to meet someone that was close to his beloved since childhood. I'm pretty sure that his kids will like you too."

Y/N smiled. "I love children. I can handle them well. Although, they can be troublemakers."

Mr. Cunningham chuckled. "I have a son, Walter. He gets into fights with Scout at school. They go there together with Jem."

Y/N couldn't help but laugh. "I was like that too! When a boy or girl started to bully me, I would pick a fight with them!"

Mr. Cunningham smiled as he looked forward and stopped his horse in the time since this was the house of the Finch's family. "We're here."

Y/N looked towards the house and she finds it beautiful. No wonder that Jean lived in a nice house with her family. Mr. Cunninham stepped out and helped Y/N out too. He grabbed another sack while Y/N took it over just to help him. Just because she's a woman doesn't mean she's weak. But still, Mr. Cunningham helped.

A girl around 6 years old suddenly spoke. "Morning, Mr. Cunningham."

Mr. Cunningham stopped while Y/N stopped at the wooden stairs. 

"Good morning, miss." He then continued to walk.

"My daddy's getting dressed. Would you like me to call him for you?" The little girl asked while leaning against the swinging tire.

Mr. Cunningham turned again. "No, miss. I don't care to bother." He sure was shy. 

"Why, it's no bother, Mr. Cunningham. He'll be happy to see you." Then the little girl ran towards the door fast. She climbed up the small wooden stairs and opened the door. "Atticus. Atticus! Here's Mr. Cunningham." Then she stepped aside so that her father can step out. 

Y/N was quite nervous. Why? Well, that was because she's meeting Jean's husband for the very first time in person. She already met Jean's youngest child in person, Scout. Now only her other child, Jeremy or Jem for short.

A handsome man with glasses then stepped out. Y/N feels shy now suddenly... damn. The man smiled as he saw Mr. Cunningham. He didn't notice Y/N yet. "Good morning, Walter."

Good morning, Mr. Finch," Mr. Cunningham said shyly. "I didn't want to bother you none. I brought you these hickory nuts as part of my entailment."

Y/N then gave the sack to Atticus, who finally noticed her. He smiled kindly as he took it while Y/N just looked away shyly. 

"Thank you. The collards we had were delicious," Atticus said to Mr. Cunningham. 

"Well, morning," Mr. Cunningham said shyly.

"Morning, Walter."

Mr. Cunningham then looked at Y/N. "Are you going to stay or do you want to join, Y/N?"

Y/N felt all eyes on her. She can see in the corner of her eye that Atticus was surprised. She was the author of so many amazing stories? Was she his wife's best friend? Was she from the newspaper?

"I...uh... I'll pass. I have to dress up for work. B-Bye!" She then dashed off towards her house.

The little girl, Atticus and Mr. Cunningham watched her run off fast. 

Atticus looked at Mr. Cunningham. "Who was that lovely lady, Walter?"

"She's a new neighbor here. I'm honestly surprised that she's different than other women around here. You'll love her, Mr. Finch. Just trust me." He then walked off.

Atticus looked interested. He never met a woman like Y/N before. But still... he had to get to know her. 

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