Chapter 2

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Y/N had already her nice clothes on for her work. What kind of clothes? Well, the ones that female lawyers wear. Yet, she's still a tomboy but she still made sure that she looked good. She always goes early or later than Atticus to not be spotted since she doesn't want to catch any suspicion. She already contacted the workplace where Atticus worked, telling them that she was a female lawyer. She got interviewed and she got the job very well since she had amazing skills. She had no choice, but to tell the truth, and these people were very nice to her! They respected her, welcomed her, and even called her a hero! She doesn't know that Atticus was already showing interest ever since he saw her with Mr. Cunningham.

Y/N was busy with papers now since she's a lawyer. There will be a case soon about a white woman that accused that she got raped by a black man. Y/N knew that it was a big fat lie! It's just hard to find the correct proof. The female lawyer already wrote a lot of books about how horrible white people can be towards black ones. Wake up! She got information that she's working in the same building as Atticus so she's allowed to leave early or late before Atticus will come out.

Y/N was packing right now to go home early before Atticus comes out. But what she didn't know was that the kids, Jem, Scout, and Dill were spying on Atticus. They didn't know that Y/N also worked there... yet. She sighed as she puts her coat on and left her office. Her workers and her boss even promised to not tell everyone about her, especially Atticus that she worked there as a lawyer. But if there was an emergency or she was needed, then she had to appear, where the secrets will come out.

Y/N walked down the street where she lived with a relieved smile. But what she didn't know was that Scout saw her. The little girl was shocked to see her. She watched for a while before she dashed after her.

"Scout! Wait!" Jem called out to her but his sister didn't listen.

The other boy next to him named Dill looked confused. "Where's she going?"

"I don't know," Jem said before he ran after his sister with Dill following.

Y/N walked peacefully until Scout was next to her. "Hi, Miss Y/N!"

Y/N looked at Scout and she was surprised. She was seen by Atticus' child. "Hello, Scout."

Scout was surprised. How did she know her name? "How did you know my name, Miss?"

Y/N smiled. "Do not be scared, Scout. I also know your brother, Jem."

Scout was about to say something but then...

"Scout! Are you crazy?! Don't run off like that!" Jem scolded while grabbing her arm but Scout struggled and freed her arm.

"I was only trying to get to know Miss Y/N! She knows our names, Jem!"

All the kids looked up at Y/N as they all walked. Dill wasn't curious since he sees her for the first time in person. Jem and Scout were the only ones that were curious.

"I know you both because I was your mother's best friend from childhood until the day she died... Your mother used to send me letters about how she's doing. She even sends me photo's of you guys when you both were born," Y/N said with a sad smile as she pulled the pictures and showed it to the kids, who looked shocked.

"Oh, can you please tell us more about mama?!" Scout begged. She was also excited.

"Can please tells us more about us?" Jem asked.

Now the kids were walking home with the powerful female lawyer.

"Well, Jem, you're the oldest child of Atticus and your mother, Jean. You love to play football but your dad said that he's old to play it with you. Scout is the youngest child. She's a tomboy like me, gets into fights with Mr. Cunningham's son, and uh... yeah. That's all I know," Y/N said with a smile.

Jem and Scout were surprised that she knows about them.

"Anyway, who's your friend over here?"

"My name is Dill Harris, ma'am! I came here to spend the vacation!"

"Call me Y/N, kids. Did I forget to tell you all that I can play football as well?"

Jem lighten up. "Can you please play us?! Atticus said that he's old to do that!" The older boy was literally begging now.

Y/N laughed. "Sure, I will play. Just let me change clothes when we arrive home. I live close to you."

The kids cheered as they walked with Y/N back home. They liked Y/N already since she's nice, kind, friendly, smart, and somewhat active. The kids were asking her different kinds of questions to get to know her more. But when they asked her somewhat personal questions liked where she worked, the woman politely told that she's not ready to tell this kind of stuff yet. The kids understood. When they arrived back home, Y/N went to change clothes. When she came out, Scout was the most surprised.

"I didn't know that you were just like me, Y/N."

Y/N chuckled. "I know. Surprised, right? Now let's go play football!"

The kids were excited and just say that they played together for a long time. Jem and Scout were keeping an eye until it's 5'o clock. Why? Because then their father was coming home. He lived in fact close by. Lucky, eh?

When Jem heard the clock, he stopped and put the ball down. "Come on, Scout. It's 5'o clock (17:00)!" He then ran.

Scout and Dill followed Jem. Y/N chuckled as she watched how the kids ran. Jem and Scout must love their father a lot while Dill was meeting him. Y/N read once in a letter that her best friend had trouble cooking so she had a friendly yet stern maid in the house, Calpurnia. The powerful woman decided to go inside. She of course knocked first and went inside.

Inside was a black woman cooking. She turned around and was surprised to see a new face. "Hello. How can I help you?"

Y/N smiled. "Hi, you're Calpurnia, correct? My name is Y/N and I live here close by. I'm a new neighbor here. I'm Jean's best friend."

Calpurnia was shocked. "Aren't you that author and the powerful lawyer from the news?"

"... Yes. Yes, I am that author and that powerful lawyer from the news."

Calpurnia suddenly hugged her, catching Y/N by surprise. "I can't believe that it's really you. Many of us talk about you. You're like our true hero besides Mr. Finch. I'm so sorry to hear what white people did to you in the previous town."

Y/N hugged her back. A lot of black people recognized her so they come up a lot to talk to her. They even hugged as a thank you! A lot of them even asked for her autograph on the books that she wrote. Y/N did all of that gladly. "It's ok, Calpurnia. I managed to escape before it's worse. Yet, I still felt guilty for leaving black people behind. I just wish that everyone wasn't this horrible!" She let go of the maid. "Just promise me not to tell anything to Atticus and his kids. Not yet at least."

Calpurnia nodded with understanding. "I understand." She suddenly walked off and came back with one of Y/N's books. "Can I have an autograph? I love your books."

Y/N smiled and chuckled as she took her book and wrote her autograph. Just then, Atticus entered with his kids. Dill probably went to his aunt's house. Atticus was surprised to see a guest in his house. He smiled kindly as he set his bag somewhere and took his hat and coat off. "Hello, Mrs. L/N."

"Hello, Mr. Finch. Please call me Y/N." She smiled shyly and kindly.

Atticus walked up to her until he's in front of her. He stuck his hand out to her. "Then please call me Atticus, Y/N."

She shook his hand as they both smiled. When they let go, the kids ran and stopped next to Y/N, facing their father.

"Atticus, Y/N can play football!" Jem said.

"That's amazing, son," Atticus said with a smile.

"She knows about mama too!" Scout exclaimed.

That caught Atticus off guard. Wait... the full name, the name of the author... Oh my God! She's his wife's best friend!

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