Chapter 3

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Atticus stared very surprisedly. He did hear his wife talk a lot over the phone with her best friend from childhood and even caught her a few times writing letters as well. He did ask her once who she's speaking to after the chatting ended on the phone. Jean then explained to him that she spoke to her best friend. That's when she told a lot about her bestie and Atticus remembered all of that...

"Mr. Finch?" Calpurnia called out.

Atticus finally woke up and showed a heartwarming smile. He's also slightly blushing. No kidding! When he saw her, he felt his heart beating fast, something he hasn't felt in years! The last time felt like that was when he met Jean years ago, she was known as Jean Louise Graham at that time. 

"It's finally nice to meet you in person, Y/N. My wife told me so much about you."

Y/N heard happiness in his voice. Could he be happy that he's finally meeting someone that knew his wife? Probably. She just smiled shyly and nodded. "T-That's good."

"Can you please stay for dinner, Miss Y/N?" Scout begged.

"Yeah!" Jem agreed.

Both kids looked with puppy eyes at her. Calpurnia and Atticus are surprised by that. They didn't expect that the kids would love Y/N so fast. 

"Why not? I have the rest day off," Y/N responded with a smile.

The kids cheered while Calpurnia smiled and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Atticus was secretly happy that she'll stay for dinner. After dinner, he walked Y/N home since she lived close by.

At night~

Y/N stepped out of her house to go for a walk. She loves night walks under the stars. She also heard many rumors about a man named Boo, whose real name is Arthur Radley. She heard what he did in the past, about causing a lot of troubles or something. Y/N heard a conversation between Dill, Scout, and Jem that they tried to let Boo appear. She also heard that Boo was tied down against his bed so that he won't come out during the day. He only comes out at night. Jem even surprisingly told how Boo looks like but the female lawyer doesn't believe him. Imaginations these days... Jem hasn't seen Boo in years so his memory was blurry.

Y/N wore comfy surprisingly a comfy dress. She sometimes dressed like that, almost never. She decided to look good for once at night. She started to walk while looking around. She found some places creepy at night like the forest. She continued to walk until she saw Atticus sitting on the swinging porch. He looks... sad. Even depressed. 

Y/N walked up to him, looking worried. "Hey, Atticus." She spoke softly to not wake the kids up. 

Atticus looks up and blushed. Y/N looks completely different, wearing a beautiful dress and she shined under the moonlight. "Good evening, Y/N."

Y/N sat down next to him and has a soft look. "You're thinking about Jean, aren't you?"

"... I just miss her so much, Y/N. Ever since she left, I've been trying my best to be a good father but it's so hard to not have my wife around. I just... want her back."

Y/N placed her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "I know how it feels, Atticus. I miss her too... s-so much."


Y/N waved her hand as a dismiss. "It's alright. I have to be strong."

Then Atticus pulled her into his arms. He knew of course how it felt so he hugged her. He couldn't help but feel... so loved by her. It's like he cast a spell on him. He was falling more and more in love. He just wanted to hold her forever in his arms. 

Y/N was shocked by that sudden move. She felt herself blush deeply because of how close they both are. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him back. Let's just say that they both were so lost in love by hugging that they both didn't realize that Y/N was now Atticus's lap. When they both stopped hugging, they blushed, mostly Y/N. 

"S-Sorry," Y/N whispered as she looked away shyly.

Atticus then pulled her chin up gently and slightly smirked. He then leaned in while Y/N slowly closed her eyes and did the same. Their lips were about to meet until...

"Evening, Atticus, ma'am."

They both pulled away in shock. It was Judge.

"Good evening, Judge. Rather warm, isn't it?" Atticus said as the Judge grabbed a wooden chair and sat down.

"Yes, indeed."

It was then a bit awkward silence so Atticus broke it. "How's Mrs. Taylor?"

"She's fine, thank you." It was then quiet before the Judge brought something an interesting topic up. "Atticus, you've heard about Tom Robinson?"

"Yes, sir."

"Grand jury will get around to charging him tomorrow."

That caught Y/N's attention. Who is Tom and what did he do wrong? If he's a black man and got charged for something that he didn't do at all, then Y/N will be mad. Atticus was quiet and the Judge continued. "I was thinking about appointing you to take his case."

Atticus looks surprised but stayed quiet.

"I realize you're very busy these days with your practice and your children need a great deal of your time."

Atticus nodded. "Yes, sir." He was quiet because he was thinking if he would take the case or not. The Judge and Y/N stayed quiet to hear what he'll say. That's when Atticus finally spoke. "I'll take the case."

"I'll send a boy over for you tomorrow when his hearing comes up." That's when the Judge took a look over at Y/N. He showed a polite smile. "You're new around here?"

Y/N smiled back. "Yes, sir."

"You're a famous author, aren't you? Y/N L/N."


Atticus smiled. But what he heard next, caught his attention.

"You look familiar, miss L/N. I heard something about an attack from the previous town," the Judge said.

Y/N looked very nervous. Dammit... She stayed calm while she responded: "I never something about the previous town, sir."

Everyone was quiet. Since it is getting late, the Judge decided to go home. "Well, uh... I'll see you tomorrow, Atticus." He stood up.

"Yes, sir."

The Judge nodded at Y/N as a goodnight the female author did the same. Then the Judge walked before calling: "And thank you."

"Yes, sir."

The Judge was gone. It was quiet again as Y/N laid her head gently on Atticus's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her. They enjoyed the night together for a few minutes before Y/N spoke. "I should go back home. It's getting late."

Atticus smiled down at her. "I'll walk you home to make sure that you're safe."

Y/N giggled as she stood up. "What a gentleman. Take me, sir." She acted playfully.

Atticus chuckled as he also stood up and stuck his arm out. Y/N hooks her arm around his as they both walked, enjoying this night together. They even chatted about random things, luckily, Atticus didn't ask Y/N about that 'previous town'. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable. However, he knew that Y/N was hiding something...

They both stopped in front of the door.

"Thank you for the time together, Atticus."

Atticus smirked slightly as he took her soft hand in his, lifted up, and kissed it. Y/N blushed and giggled. "Oh my..."

"You look wonderful in that dress, Y/N. I'd like to see it more often."

Y/N smiled as she kissed his cheek. "Good night."

Atticus blushed with a smile. "Good night.

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