Chapter 7

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"Mayella Violet Ewell."

This will be now interesting. The supposedly the 'victim'. Y/N knew that Bob forced her to lie and other horrible stuff.

Mayella looked scared as she got up and walked to the front.

"Put your hand on the Bible, please."

Mayella looks unsure at first but she placed her hand on the Bible anyway.

"Solemnly swear, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the whole truth, so help you, God?"

Mayella nodded and Y/N took a glance at Tom. She looked soft because she saw how scared he looked.

"Sit down, please."

Mayella did as told.

"Now, Mayella, suppose you tell us just what happened, huh?"

Everyone began to listen, especially Y/N.

"Well, sir..." Mayella began but then cleared her throat. "Sir, I was sitting on the porch and he comes along. There was this old chifforobe in the yard and I said, 'You come in here, boy, and bust up this chifforobe and I'll give you a nickel.' So, he came on in the yard and I go into the house to get him the nickel. And I turn around, and before I knew it he's on me."

Y/N is already angry enough. Can't just Mayella tell the truth!? That's not the truth! Atticus was not even looking.

"I fought and hollered, but he had me around the neck and he hit me again and again. And the next thing I knew, Papa was in the room, standing over me, hollering, 'Who done it?'"

"Thank you, Mayella. Your witness, Atticus."

Y/N must say that some people can come up with great acts and lies. Atticus then stood up. "Miss Mayella, is your father good to you? I mean, is he easy to get along with?" He walks around.

"Does tolerable."

"Except when he's drinking?"

Y/N saw how Mayella got caught by surprise but behind her back, Bob glared at his daughter.

"When he's riled, has he ever beaten you?"

"My pa's never touched a hair on my head in my life," Mayella lied.

Atticus was about to say something else but Y/N quickly stood up, making everyone put their eyes on her. "Are you sure? Because before all of this happened, I peeked through the window of my house and I saw you in fact trying to kiss Tom."

Everyone then looked shocked that they started to whisper while the kids upstairs hoped that Y/N would win. Mayella looked shocked. "What? T-That's not true!"

Y/N then walked until she stood next to her. "Are you sure? I heard Tom saying no to you and he didn't hurt you. Look at you! You're acting scared and shaky when Mr. Finch asked you a question if your father abuses you."

People continued to whisper but then the Judge slammed his hammer. "Enough!"

Y/N was quiet and she walked back to sit down. Tom glanced at her as a thank you. Atticus continues: "You say that you asked Tom to come in and chop up a... What was it?"

"A chifforobe," Mayella snapped.

"Was that the first time that you ever asked him to come inside the fence?"


"Didn't you ever ask him to come inside the fence before?"

Mayella is quiet before she spoke that she might have.

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