Chapter 8

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Y/N couldn't sleep that night. It just... too hard to sleep. Even though that Y/N cried and it made her eyes tired, she just couldn't. She got up, puts on her baggy clothes, and went outside. She's very angry at the whole Ewell family, including people who saw Tom as an enemy. Y/N didn't know if she will forgive them ever...

Y/N sighed tiredly as she took a walk. She actually tried to for hours and even the next day! She called her boss and explained her issues. Her boss is kind enough to give her some days off. Her boss understood her very well how Y/N is very hurt. Y/N took a walk literally in a small forest that Scout and Jem went to school. The kids live very close by. Since Jem is the oldest, he took his little sister to school. Atticus wants them to return home and go to school safely. 

However, something extremely bad will happen...

Y/N continues to walk while she's lost in her thoughts. She still is depressed about Tom's death. Atticus rode to Robinson's house to deliver the news. Poor Helen was devasted by the news... Bob is such a dick! He spits right on Atticus's face! Jem was there the whole time, watching terrified. Atticus only glared angrily at Bob and simply left... While Y/N continues to walk she got suddenly attacked! Y/N screamed as she turned around and saw Bob! He freaking has a gun with him! (Pretend that Bob is still alive when he attacked the kids.) Y/N fought back while screaming and even cussing at him to be let go. Bob didn't listen and continues to attack. It got so bad that Bob actually shot right in Y/N's arm! The female lawyer screams in pain so loud that she fell down. It hurts so bad that she fell unconscious but a mysterious figure saved her life... It's Arthur Radley, also known as Boo. Boo attacked Bob as the men fought. Boo managed to kill Bob with a knife! While Y/N is still unconscious, Boo walks up to her and picked her up bridal style. Y/N had not only a bullet in her arm but also bruises and scratches. 

Boo looks sad as he immediately walked to Y/N's house. What he didn't know was that Scout saw the whole thing... Her brother got attacked by Bob as well. That man broke Jem's arm! Scout quietly followed and when she didn't saw Boo and Y/N anymore, she immediately ran home while shouting Atticus's name.

"Scout! What happened?" He picked her up worriedly.

"I saw someone carrying Y/N! She's unconscious!"

Atticus is shocked. His lover got hurt?! He was about to check on her and even to help her! But what he heard from his daughter scared him dearly. He set his daughter down and went to his coat fast. Calpurnia walked in fast and noticed a panicked Atticus.

"Cal, please keep an eye on Jem and Scout. I need to check on Y/N."

"Yes, sir."

Atticus then immediately left to Y/N's house. The door is unlocked which was a surprise. He immediately went inside and saw Y/N laying on the bed, her eyes closed. There is even Dr. Reynolds. 

"Doctor Reynolds! What happened to Y/N?!"

The doctor looks at Atticus with sympathy. "Someone attacked her in the forest. I got a phone call from a man but when I arrived, the man disappeared."

"But she will live, right?"

"Yes. But she got shot in her arm that I had to get the bullet out. When she wakes up, she needs rest if her arm wants to fully heal."

Atticus sighed in relief. "Thank God..."

"I'll take my leave now. Have a goodnight, Mr. Finch."

"You too, Dr. Reynolds."

The doctor left with described antibiotics. Atticus reader them as he waited for Y/N to wake up. He didn't want to lose her. If he only was with her sooner, then none of this would've happened. But it's not Atticus's fault! First, his son got attacked, and now his lover... As he reads a book, he heard familiar groans.

"What h-happened?" 

Atticus quickly puts the book down and sat down beside Y/N. The female lawyer sat up as she winched because of her arm. 

She looks surprised when she saw her lover. "A-Atticus?"

He pulls her into his arms and rubbed her back. "I'm so glad that you're alive, dear."

Y/N hugs him back as she rested her head against his chest. She felt safe in his arms. She couldn't believe how cruel Bob is. The lawyers slowly rocked each other to feel more comfortable. Then they kissed each other softly.

"Y/N, I... I want you to move in with me. I love you so much and my children love you like you're their mother. They need a mother figure by their side. Also, will you... will you marry me and become Y/N Finch?" Poor Atticus is nervous.

Y/N was very shocked as happy tears built up. She smiled brightly as she jumped in his arms, careful to not hurt her arm. "Yes!"

Atticus smiles happily that he kissed his new future wife with passion. The kids will finally have a new mother figure by their side. Even though Y/N is younger than Atticus, they are happy together...

When the kids found out, Calpurnia and including the neighbors, they all are very happy! Jem and Scout congratulated them and even called Y/N mama too, causing Y/N to crack a big smile.

Jem and Scout hugged Y/N with smiles. "Thank you for making Atticus happy, ... mama."

Y/N's eyes were full of happy tears as she held the kids with her good arm.
Atticus smiled as he held his family. Let's just say that they all slept together as one big happy family.

Once the wedding day arrived, everyone was waiting. Atticus stood already at the front while the guests were sitting. Scout is the the flower girl so she surprisingly wears a dress. More shockingly, she respects it! Jem will bring the rings and Dill is sitting next to his aunt.

Everyone stood up as the music played. You know, the bride. Y/N walks down the aisle with a happy smile as she holds a bouquet of beautiful white roses. Atticus blushed heavenly while smiling. His wife is so beautiful... Scout threw flowers around.

Once Y/N arrived at the front and stopped next to Atticus, the couple faced the priest. The priest started to say his speech until the rings part arrived.

"Rings, please."

Jem walks up with a red pillow that has 2 marriage rings. The couple took them as Atticus began first: "Y/N, I promise that I will forever love you until the end." He puts the ring on Y/N's finger.

"Atticus, I promise that I will also forever love you until the end." She puts the ring on Atticus's finger.

The priest smiles. "Atticus Finch, do you take Y/N L/N as your wife?"

"I do."

"Y/N L/N, do you take Atticus Finch as your husband?"

"I do."

Jem and Scout squealed quietly.

"Then I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Atticus cupped Y/N's face and kissed her with passion. Y/N kissed him back as the crowd cheered and clapped. They even stood up and Dill ran to Jem and Scout. The kids jumped in happiness.

Atticus pulled away and whispered Y/N's ear. "I love you so much, Y/N Finch."

"And I you, Atticus Finch."

They kissed again.

That's the end! I hope you enjoyed these books a lot! To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books and movies. Harper Lee gave me the inspiration to write my own past story and I'm working on it right now. I wish that there were more Atticus Finch x Reader stories. Thank you for the support also!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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