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You pulled into the park you ran at with Derek for cardio. You saw his car, pulling up beside it. Getting out, you locked the doors and saw him leaning against the hood, wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. You walked over to him wearing leggings and and light hoodie. It was chilly out and the sun was just beginning to rise.

He glanced up, "Y/n! You got my note, I see."

You rolled your eyes, "I'm not bailing on a run just because I'm not working."

He smiled, clapping you on the back, "Good, Lil Mama, good." You swatted at his chest.

"Let's just get this over with."

He smirked, stretching his legs, "Cranky today?"

You gave him a glare, stretching your own legs, "Didn't sleep much last night."

Derek laughed, both of you jogging side by side. He gave you a knowing look, "Get lucky?"

You scoffed, "Derek, I haven't been out how would I-" the smirk on his face told you everything.

"Derek!" You checked him on the shoulder.

He laughed, "Come on, you two are pretty obvious about it. The observation room? C'mon, couldn't be clearer!"

You flushed a deep red, "It's none of your business."

"C'mon, it's Rossi! I didn't even know you were into older men, I mean-"

"Derek!" You chastised, your face a bright red. You couldn't tell if your face was more heated from the run or out of embarrassment. 

He held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay. Whatever. I wanted some deets! It's not like I'm gonna tell anybody!"

You quirked a brow at him, "So, you weren't planning on telling Garcia anything from our conversation?"

He gave you a sheepish look and you gave him a knowing roll of your eyes, "Right."

He huffed, "C'mon, at least tell me if he's treating you right. If he's not-"

"Don't worry," you chuckled, "Spencer's already got that part covered. He said he'd knock his teeth out." Derek busted out laughing, causing you to crack up.

"Pretty boy? God, Rossi'd kick his ass." He chuckled.

"Yeah. Told him that. Got one of those evil eyes." You joked.

Derek went serious, "But seriously, if Rossi hurts you, I'll break that Italian face of his. Hotch too. Hotch would seriously kick his ass, y/n."

"Okay, okay. But don't worry about it, Dave's.... Dave's good for me, Derek." Derek glanced at you and his eyes softened.

"I'm happy it's him and not some random douche bag. Rossi has manners at least." Derek concluded. You nodded, growing tired. You guys had ran at least three miles.

He huffed, "I'll race you back to the cars."

You looked at him, "What-" but he was already running full force the rest of the way. Damn. He was gonna win no matter what. You still sped up and soon he was out of your sight. You panted, wanting to hit him with your shoe, but he gone.

You thought it was funny every one of the men on the team, besides Rossi of course, were trying to protect you. Threatening a man they had known for years because of you.

You started to think about Rossi when you tripped over a rock on the trail, flying into the gravel. You slid across it and felt a sharp pain in your ankle. Fuck.

You brushed your hands off, happy to see no one had seen your clumsy fall. But it was also bad, no one was there to help and you didn't have your phone on you.

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