Chapter 1

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"It's going to be ok. The arm transplant was successful." I thought I was fine after that, but boy was I wrong. "The upload must stop! It's corrupted!" Millions of games flashed before my eyes, before I saw myself. Blued out eyes. I woke with a start. Looking around, things came into focus. I was still in the lab? I grabbed my phone next to the table. I played the last video. Oman.rar. Strange, I never had this file. I played it. "The Upload......stop......unstable....he.......are....ok?..................Lucinia........Away!" static. I dropped the tablet. So that's what happened. "You're awake, good. I thought we lost you." I look up. A man in a yellow beanie and headphones was standing there, leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed. I'm stunned. "He's here Sofia!" A girl in a green leather jacket now entered the room. "Look at his arm! It's new and updated. Let's have a look." "Was going on? G-g-get away from me" I said groggily. "Easy Sofia. He's still on pain killers." The voice came from a girl in a blue jacket. She had a heavy British or Australian(Side fact: it's Australian) accent. "He's a little disoriented, just like I was." "" I ran my tongue on the top of my mouth. Dry like sandpaper. "Can I get you anything? By the way, your threads are sick man, can I touch?" "Lamar, back off! He's disoriented!" I finally wheezed "Water" "Crackerjack! Here's some water!" "Thanks Theo!" Everything came into focus. "What do you know about TAScorp?" A man with a deep voice came in the room. "He hasn't said anything yet masa!" "Don't get snippy with me Tari! Man, you need to come with me!" I said "I'm not going with anyone!" I got up and stumbled away. I tripped and fell onto the pavement. The mario death sound played as if it were mocking me. This time a team of TasCorp scientists surrounded me. "God you're hard to track!" Same accent as Tari I think, but here hair was orange. "" "Belle, and are you drunk?" "No he's on painkillers. Which your about to be on too!" Lamar! "Belle looked at Tari. "You're with MD-5?! What do you know?!" "I don't know anything" I tried to stand. My head hurt, and my legs were sore. Belle backed off and ran. "We need you to come with us" Masa said. "No, and stop calling me man! I'm Magicninja!" I crawled away. "Crackerjack, surprise attack!" "Theo no!" I dodged and stumbled away and the tranq dart hit me in the back of the neck. I blacked out.

My life as a Meta Runner Part 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now