Chapter 5: "Nice holograms of Bell, guys!"

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As the holograms started appearing, I started to power up. The familiar feel of the data going into my head and arms started happening. The holograms circled me. I jumped out the way as they all lunged at me. They met in the middle and hit each other. I started flying in the air, and concentrated my energy into my fists. I dive bombed the holograms. When I hit the ground, a shockwave was created, and it knocked all the holograms away. One got a hit in on me. It has a taser. I said, "Really Sofia?! Tasers?!" Lamar said "It was Theo's idea to make it more 'realistic'!" I rolled my eyes. That Theo is loveable, and he's a pain sometimes. I ducked under and punched the hologram in the gut. As my hand connected with his gut, it felt like an actual gut. I yelled "Wow Sofia, that felt really real!" MD-5 was visibly confused. Sofia replied "That's a real person man!" Now I was confused, but then I looked at the far wall. There was a hole, and Tascorp guards started pouring in. ALl of them had these weird glow sticks that crackled with red electricity. I cracked my knuckles and ran at them. I punched one, kicked another, gave one a suplex, and energy punched the ground, knocking them off their feet. A hologram of Belle appeared. I ran at her. "Detroit, Smashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled. She tried to dodge, but I was faster. The punch hit her straight on in the cheek. She flew backwards, and hit the wall. Hard. I said "Sofia, that's a very realistic hologram of Belle!" All I got back was nervous laughter, but then I looked at the hologram again. I turned pale because I had smashed the real Belle. I hesitated, but that was all Belle needed. Three guards grabbed me, and one shocked me as I tried to punch them. Strange that the hadouken didn't come out. Quickly, I was restrained. Belle started to chuckle. She said "Theo, you never disappoint." She motioned to his cartridge with the Project Blue  logo on it. Theo glared at her. One of the guards put a gas mask on me. MD-5 started lunging towards Belle. I looked up and said "Stop it guys! They want me, not you!" Belle smiled. She said "We have reason to believe that you have info on Lucinia. " I gritted my teeth. "And why do you think that Belle?!" Belle said "Just a hunch." I laughed and said "If I did have any info on Lucinia, do you think I'd give it to you willingly?!" Belle just smiled. "You're right Gamer. Why would you give it to me willingly." She walked over to a canister, and turned the knob. I suddenly felt very sleepy. Belle walked back over to me. She stuck something on my left arm. It was circular and it scrambled all of my powers, and arm abilities. "There's only one person who can make tech like this. It can't be because I beat him long ago." I thought, and it was getting progressively harder to put thoughts together. Belle said "The gas is working based on your face. Let's try again, do you have memories on Lucinia?" I said "It's a little hard to....., I winced as the gas spread to my head, 'make complete thoughts with this stuff in me." Belle motioned, I heard the valve turn again, and I felt even sleepier. Belle looked at me and asked "Anything" I resisted to say yes, so I said "no!" The valve turned again, and I blacked out. 

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