Chapter 2: The workshop

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"Dang Tari, whoever is in the backseat must be very valuable." I woke sitting up, but my vision blurred. I fell back down on my side, and my muscles yielded. I took note of my surroundings. "3, no 4 people in a car. One is holding my hand. The blue jacketed one. That must be Tari. The small kid is nowhere to be seen; pill bottles, must be painkillers. My head hurts."  Tari looked down at me. She asked, "Your name's Asquid, right or is it gamer?" I nodded weakly. "Lamar, step on it!" This voice came from my left. A girl in a green coat was on my left. "Nice arm you got there." She reached out and touched it, but I pulled it away. I spoke, but it came out as a sort of hiss groan. "Where, who, what?" Green jacket girl said "Well I'm..." Tari stopped her. She said "Sofia, stop it. You're only going to panic him more!" "So the driver must be Lamar, and the green jacket lady must be Sofia." I made a mental note of that. Tari reached around the back of my head. "We're not going to hurt you, we just want to help you." She said. I hissed-groaned, "" Lamar said "That's a whole lot of gibberish." I started to relax, but why. Tari was scratching the back of my head and was saying "Relax, and sleep" I went right to sleep again. She said "Guess the triggers still work. He's very submissive." Sofia said "He's still on pain-killers doofus!" This time a deep voice was heard.(The hypnotic state i'm in right now is weird. I'm asleep, but I can still hear and feel everything that's going on). "What triggers Tari?" Tari said "Masa, they're to relax patients before the arm is implanted. I had to go through it." The car came to a sudden stop. Tari asked, "Can someone help me with him please?" Bossman, sorry, Masa said "Lamar, help her. Sofia and I will prepare the inside." I felt my conscious, but unconscious body being picked up. I heard a small voice say "Hey Tari, is he dead?" "No Theo, he's asleep right now." I was put in a chair, and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up again, to find that Sofia and Masa were looking at my arm again. I yanked it away and slurred " touch!" Tari said "Let her" She put me asleep again. I woke up (man I guess sleep loves me or something.) and Sofia was looking through my memories folder. She pressed on the file named, "Lucinia" I gasped and fainted. 

My life as a Meta Runner Part 1: BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now