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Greetings! The basics are here! Keep in mind on what I said beforehand. I write for my own enjoyment, meaning I'm going to lollygag on what I want to, when I want to, so, yeah. Enjoy the story to anyone who sees this. I'm just gonna try and write what I can when I can?


Schlatt Army: 6 Peeps (Main Characters) These aren't official, they will be moved, but this will not be updated as to give those first readers a taste of the sweeT tea.

Schlatt: Elemental Powers
Fundy: Force Field
Antfrost: Flying
Skeppy: Teleportation
Bad: Power of Muffins (I'M SORRY I COULDN'T STOP MYSELF)
Wilbur - Telepathy, can overpower the mind, but only if they have a clear view of you and aren't held down
Tubbo: Super Speed!
Eret: Mind-Control (limitations, lots of em)

Rebellion #s: 5 (Main Characters)

Dream: Extreme Smarts, Super Senses, Elemental Powers (Cannot use Elemental Powers yet, well... mostly.)
George: Shape-Shifting
Sapnap: Dream Walker/Being
Tommy: Can control and make fire (Think fire-bender from Avatar)
Techno: Extreme fighting ability

And there's also Nikki, who has healing abilities and lives with nobody, but closer to the rebellion :o

Basic Story Concept: In case you missed it before.

Schlatt has taken over the world with his powers, Elemental Control, the strongest powers of all, but Dream also has this power and more. He is the first man to be born and gifted multiple powers. He has a fate to save the world from Schlatt, but he is weak from fear. He must learn with help from many of his friends to let go of the fear. Dream has already managed to amass a small rebellion, but unless Dream can control himself, they cannot do anything. George is also a member of this rebellion with a power of his own. (Refer to my story notes to find out) Will they be able to save the world from Schlatt and whoever he commands with fear? Or will they fail?

Find out in this story!


Anyway, I'll upload when I can, or whenever I feel like I got a good bit of story to share!

There is no fucking smut in here, there is kissing and weird stuff maybe, but whatever.

I'm just using Dream's and all the member's of the Dream SMP characters because I'm lazy, but if something comes up and somebody says NOPE nO mOrE fAnFiCtIonS wITH mE (i highly doubt anyone will do this but) then their character is gonna get replaced by some random name.

I ship ONLINE PERSONALS, not real people, this is pure fiction. I respect and honestly love all creators in this, keep working you all, and I hope you don't mind a bit of angst or fluff with you included if you do end up reading.

A Fate of Fear | DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now