Part 4

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Dream coughed suddenly has his eyes blinked open to reveal himself to be in a dark room. He tried to move his limbs but found them held down by shackles. He was hopeless, stuck, and probably just going to end up dying soon. He let his head lay down toward his chest and then turned it to look in both directions.

Each member of the resistance was tightened and held in a similar way, but most reflecting their powers. Sapnap was held just as Dream was since they had no real powers to make it so they'd escape, same with Techno. Tommy, had his hands covered, and his head held by a bar to make sure he didn't do anything. George was held in a giant metal cage with similar shackles to Dream, but the cage prevented him from escaping even if he shifted... They were trapped and trapped well.

The door clanked open, and a man stepped in, his footsteps easily heard by Dream. He tensed, looking at the other slowly awakening members of the resistance. He stared forward then, as the man entered where everyone could see him. It was Schlatt. Of course, it was Schlatt...

"My friends, my friends. I think you tried a bit too hard this time. You actually got Bad and Skeppy to escape? Well, no worry, they will be caught and hung just as you are now." He laser-focused on Dream. "Dream, Dream, Dream. You really thought you had a shot huh?" The man stepped forward, curling his finger under Dream's chin.

Dream scowled, but he was too weak to fight back. "You really thought that you could kill me? When apparently you can't even use your power?" Power. Not powers. Schlatt didn't know, he didn't know Dream had multiple powers. "You are weak, ever since your mother left you in the forest, I felt something, something I had been waiting for. A partner in crime. Dream, join me and we will rule these fools together. I will help you learn your power, but only as long as you help me, and kill him." He pointed at George and Dream froze.

"I will never join you." He said in a calm monotone voice. Schlatt laughed and then stepped forward, tearing off Dream's mask and throwing it on the floor.

"I felt when you got this scar. I felt it. I knew it was you. Tell me, who gave it to you? Surely you want revenge on who gave you such a nasty wound?" Dream cringed at Schlatt's voice and tried to hide his face as best he could, he didn't want anybody to know what he looked like under the smiley face. A few of the others knew this and simply looked away, besides Techno, George, and Sapnap...

Dream didn't answer Schlatt and instead threw himself against the chains, "There's no use Schlatt. You can't convince me to join you, and none of these people will help you either. We are a family, and we stick together. One day, your power won't be enough Schlatt. I know it. My fate has already been decided, has yours?" He eyed the other man that was standing in front of him menacingly.

Schlatt didn't answer but instead raised a brow. "Why yes, it has. It is to rule this world and control all those in it. None of these people with powers will be able to hurt us ever again! They aren't worth it, only one can be superior. I asked if you wanted to join, and you have refused, and because of that, you must die."

George literally screamed at that moment, Sapnap stared at Schlatt as if lasers would come out of his eyes and kill Schlatt. Dream just sighed, "Then promise me one thing. Free all of these people."

Schlatt laughed, "No, you aren't in a place where you can make offers Dream, you know it."

He seemed to chuckle, "There's one secret that will always remain mine, one that nobody has ever had before, you will be afraid." Schlatt laughed but intrigued.

"What could possibly make me afraid? Nothing. I'm the most powerful man in the world." He scoffed looking at Dream.

The green hooded man raised his hand, and then slowly removed the blank glove he wore. The glove covered his power markings, covered his being, it was tight, and had the finger parts cut off as to not hinder him when he was fighting. He looked at the markings on his palm. An elemental symbol there, an IQ marking... and a super sense marking. He took a deep breath and then showed Schlatt.

Schlatt stood there... dumbfounded. "Wha- Dre- this must be a fake! Nobody has 3 powers!" He yanked on Dream's hand, studying the markings closely, but that was what Dream wanted...

He grinned and then yanked his now free hand from Schlatt and then slapped him in the face, and then pulled out a needle he kept in his sleeve for a moment just like this. Well... it was something he brought along just in case. he picked the lock on his other hand and then unlocked his ankles, falling to the ground. Schlatt had enough wit to get to his feet, "You moron." He said before blasting some stone at Dream's face.

Dream dodged quickly, he was expecting it now and his mind was thinking clearly finally. He grabbed his sword from the other side of the room and used the blunt edge where his hand would normally go to knock Schlatt out. The room was filled with soft cheers as soon as he did it. The man then picked up his mask and tied it around his face, now feeling 100% more comfortable with himself.

He proceeded to untie the members of the resistance. Bad and Skeppy were probably somewhere in the forest, searching for the camp of the resistance. Once everyone was free, he spoke, "We can't win this... not yet. We have to get out of here." They all nodded, and George rested a hand on Dream's shoulder making him feel better.

"We're all with you Dream, every single one of us. One day we will kill him." He gestured to the now missing unconscious body.

"WHAT?! WHERE'D HE GO?" Dream burst out.

Techno answered, "Guards, they dragged him out silently while you were untying us."

"I'm so fucking stupid..." He said now angry with himself. Dream growled and then sighed. Nothing he can do about it now. "Let's just get the fuck out of here." He cursed.

---------- Timeskip! :D ----------

Soon the group made it home, even finding Skeppy and Bad along the way. Everyone was tired, worn out, and worried. Dream went straight to bed, not wanting to deal with any more. He knew he was going to have nightmares for a while. Schlatt now knew.. that Dream was sent to kill him. He had 3 powers.. 3... And Schlatt could deny it as long as he wanted, but in the end it would kill him.


Meanwhile.. Schlatt woke up from his knock out and literally latched onto Fundy who was right next to him. "Fundy. Fundy. Fundy... I saw something you'll never believe."

Fundy lifted a brow and then nodded, "Share it with me Schlatt then."

"Dream... he.. he showed me his power markings. FUNDY! HE HAS THREE POWERS!" Schlatt screamed, raising himself out of the nursing bed. Fundy lifted a brow and then pushed his leader back into the bed.

"Uhm... wow.. Uhm... I think you should get some rest in case you have to fight him!" He said, trying to sound like he believed him. Schlatt just nodded and fell back asleep in the bed with Fundy shaking his head in utter unbelieving sighs.

A Fate of Fear | DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now