Part 11

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Dream woke up in a foreign place, what was this place?


Dream rubbed his head, even if it didn't hurt, he looked around his surroundings, and then recognized it after a moment, it... it was his home! His old home, the one he lived in with his parents before he was thrown out into the world. He breathed in the old scents of cookies, of dust, of his parents...

His parents! Were they here? He looked around and suddenly he saw an elderly looking woman in the chair, "Mom?" He questioned.

The woman looked up and her eyes softened, "My- My Dream?" She questioned, rising from her seat, "Why... Why are you here? How did you go?"

The man pulled off his mask to reveal his face, "What do you mean 'How did you go?'" He asked, tilting his head as he walked over to his mother.

"How... How did you die? This is the dead world Dream. Why are you transparent too?"

He looked down at his own body, realizing he wasn't complete, he was almost near transparent.... "I- I died?" He asked, starting to break.

"But- But I can't die! George, Sapnap! Techno! Wilbur, Tommy... Tubbo.. I can't leave them... I beat Schlatt Mom! I really did... but now... Now I'm here. George... I love him.." Dream clutched his head, now starting to panic. He started to breathe heavier, his heartbeat quickening.

His mother stepped forward, placing a calm hand on her son's shoulder. "My boy, my boy... calm. If you're transparent, you might not be entirely dead. How- How did you defeat Schlatt?"

"With my powers mom. George... he helped me. He helped me to not fear. Mom, George, I love him. I beat Schlatt mom, he's gone, he's gone forever. I finally learned to not fear mom."

His mom just pulled him into a tight hug. "Where did you get that scar my boy?"

"Oh- That was Techno! He and I kinda started off bad, but I'm fine! I see it as apart of myself, that's why I have this mask." He raised his hand to show his mask off. She just closed her eyes and let tears fall.

"I really hope you aren't joining me so early my son. I wish you back. Your powers make you strong, but this boy, George, I approve of. Thank him for me." She said.

Meanwhile - In the living world

George looked at the bed where his lover rested. The whole group had moved back into their own houses in the old Schlatt place, it was renamed though, in honor of Dream. It was now called 'Dreaming Wonder City.' A kind of lengthy name in Geore's opinion, but it was really only chosen by Fundy.

Dream had been unconcious for now 2 weeks, and everyone was starting to think he wasn't come back, but George still had hope. He would never give up as long as Dream's heart beat. He looked at his lover and let out a small noise, he rested his own hand in Dream's and laid his head down on the bed.

Nikki came in every once in a while and checked on him, she had to call in Sapnap every once in a while to force him to sleep or help to calm him down, but he felt like such a waste of time these days... he wasn't doing anything useful, he was just crying, and waiting for Dream to wake up.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal Sapnap. He looked at George with a saddened face, "Come on dude, Dream won't wake up without you, your coming with me to do some sort of something, whether that be using powers, sleeping, or fighting Techno, you're doing something else."

George just sighed and then stood up, casting one final glance at Dream before walking out with Sapnap. "I miss him Sap-"

"George, none of that. You can cry when your there, but right now, we're going to practice your powers and I will get Techno to order you to do this if I have to." Sapnap said firmly to which George just rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He said bluntly. "What are we practicing?"

"Shape-shifting you idiot. Eagle."

George rolled his eyes, but reached into himself, or at least tried, he felt for the power, but then he realized... he couldn't. He opened his eyes and looked at Sapnap, "Sap- Sapnap! I can't..."

"What? Why?"

"I- I tink it's Dream... I fear for him, and in turn have lost control..."

"Calm down George, it's alright. When he wakes-"

George cut off his friend, "IF he wakes up."

"Fine, fine, if he wakes up, you'll be fine. Let's just not worry about it alright? How about we go on a walk through town? We kind of are heros you know?"

George just let out a sigh, "Fine." He said plainly.

The two spent the rest of the day together before George went back to the place, but only to find something... something that made him burst into pure tears of joy.

Dream's... Dream's eyes were open, he was up! He was awake! George let out a choked sob and rushed over to Dream and hugged him. The other man let out a sigh, "George..." He said, hugging his lover back. "I'm sorry I left you..."

George shook his head, "Dream, no, don't be sorry, be happy your still here. I'm just happy your awake my love."

Dream just chuckled which broke off in a fit of coughing. When he was done, he looked at George and raised his hand to his cheek, and gently rubbed it, before leaning in close, and pulling George into a kiss.

He kissed with passion, to which George returned. They kissed, long and passionate, until they had to break apart to breath. They faced each other and then George murmered, "I love you Dream."

"I love you too..."

And, that's mostly a wrap? Idk, I may add one more chapter just to be sure to end it off well, but I'm kinda losing interest in this story so yeah, that's why the chapter is so crappy. Don't forget to vote, follow, and comment.

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